Friday, January 9, 2015

Rainbow Scrap Challenge: Bits and Bobs

It was another piecemeal week for me, with a little sewing here and a little sewing there.

The big kids and DH went back to school this week, and I was amazed to discover that in the last two weeks, Miss G has become much more alert and therefore much more demanding of my time.  Hey, that's what I'm here for, right?

I had hoped for a bit more sewing time, since it was my birthday week, but looking at this photos, I'm quite content with my sewing.

I finished the first quarter of the Rainbow Star, the blues and purples.  Now this will wait until February for more work, unless I finish all my goals for the month.   I love how it's coming together thus far.  I admit, I'm always a little nervous until the pieces are sewn!
 The first 12 of 154 Carrie Nation blocks are done.  (Just remember, bits of these have been in progress for several weeks, so it's not as though they went from start to finish all in the last seven days.)  The recipient of the quilt will also be helping me piece it, starting this Sunday, so we'll see how this one develops.  I hope to finish the black blocks this month too, so you'll see more of these!
 The baby quilt top from last week is quilted and the binding machine sewn on.  I think I might have finished it Friday night but Miss G had a giant burp and barf all over me.  I had to shower and do laundry instead!
 I only quilted in the white streaks, in light blue thread.  Each streak is a different pattern, as I need to move beyond meandering in my machine quilting.  I'm looking forward to washing and drying to see the texture.
Be sure to check out the other scrappy projects every Saturday.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


Vicki W said...

That looks like a whole lot of progress to me!

Julie in GA said...

You have some great looking projects going. I love the rainbow star--beautiful light-to-dark gradations.

Nell's Quilts said...

That Rainbow Star will be so dramatic. Carrie nation blocks look so cheery and the baby quilt quilting looks good. Great week of quilting.

Jennifer said...

i love your rainbow star! totally worth the extra work to lay it out!

Cathy said...

Rainbow Star is gorgeous. Great idea to practice different quilting in that way. I'll have to remember that! Loved hearing about Miss G too except for the vomit part.

Scrappy quilter said...

Your rainbow star is wonderful. I love all the colours.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

That rainbow star is fantastic!! Enjoy the kiddos lol

Quiltdivajulie said...

Really like the mixture of quilting patterns in the light streaks . . . very fun.

The star is going to be VERY cool!

Julierose said...

Really nice projects you have going there. I like that rainbow star--looks hard to do!! hugs, Julierose

Sheila said...

Beautiful star in progress. Blue quilts, too. You have been busy!

scraphappy said...

Beautiful quilting on the baby quilt. A different pattern in each stripe is a fun way to practice. Looks like you are still getting plenty done right now, though I'm sure that will ebb and flow with the mood of the baby.

Angie said...

So many goodies to enjoy this week! The Rainbow Star is going to be stunning! I like the barn-raising layout with the Carrie Nation blocks, nice visual impact. And the chevron baby quilt is inspired! Happy birthday!

Kate said...

Love the rainbow star, it's going to be gorgeous! Hope you are able to fit in a bit of stitching here and there.

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