Friday, March 6, 2015

You are my Sunshine

Woohoo!  We are accident free for a week.  JoJo's insomnia has returned, however, but I prefer that to the eye injuries.  In an attempt to keep things mellow for JoJo this week, we spent a lot of time in the basement playing and sewing.

I was able to finish 8 cushions for a customer, except for the buttons.  Those are on order.  I'll be glad to have the pile of cushions out of the play room, but I definitely have learned and enjoyed them once I had the process down.

The Rainbow Star is now 3/4 assembled.  I am doing better at organizing my triangles for sewing, and I definitely see the improvement over the original, several years ago.

I also started some four patches of luscious hand-dyed fabric from Vicki Welsh.  We'll see if my sister Alzbe recognizes what this is for as I proceed.  I have three more shades of yellow to sew up, and then comes the blues!  I suppose these aren't precisely scraps, but I don't have many yellow scraps, and this is a good time to make progress on this quilt.

Be sure to check out all the other yellow projects (there's always so many inspiring posts... I will not start a new project...)!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


Scrappy quilter said...

Looking good!

Alzbeta said...

Are the four-patches for Anni's quilt? Or were those Carrie-Nation blocks?

Deb A said...

Such pretty yellows. I took a peek and looked around at your sisters blogs =) Thanks for sharing. Glad JoJo gave you a break on the injury front this week. Lets hope it extends to this week as well.

Nell's Quilts said...

Great progress on the rainbow star.

Laura said...

I can't wait to see your rainbow star. Your yellow part is gorgeous!

Quiltdivajulie said...

The yellows in Vicki's stash pak are indeed luscious!

scraphappy said...

Glad you are having a calm spell. Love those yellow hand dyes. Just beautiful!

Kate said...

Sounds like a relatively calm week for a change. Yeah!

The Rainbow star looks great!. Looking forward to seeing that one all finished.

Jennie in GA said...

Your rainbow star is fantastic!

Sheila said...

Beautiful! I'm going to enjoy watching your star grow each month.

PaulaB quilts said...

Your yellow stash seems to be working well for all of the projects. The star is going to be very impressive!

End of Year…

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