Tuesday, May 30, 2017

350 Block Challenge

Ooh, lots of new blocks this month!

I finished...
75 flying geese strips
32 new blocks to finish off 4 orphan blocks into a quilt (bad math there...)
4 Barn Dance blocks
20 Mini 9s
20 hourglass
5 Garden Party
4 Bits and Bobs
... for a total of 178 new blocks
... which makes 541 total blocks for 2017!


Kate said...

That's a lot of blocks!!!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Holy cow!! Given the fact that you have big kids, toddlers, a baby and other things to take care of, I am in awe of your productivity!

Shelly said...

That's a lot! You must have had a lot of stress to relieve! Haha!

Stash Report Week #18 and 15 Minutes

 I missed a day on my hexagons!  For the first time in almost 18 months, I missed a day.  I stitched extra yesterday, so it will all be fine...