Tuesday, April 3, 2018

April Goals

In March, I wanted to...
1. Keep using scraps: trim, 16-patches, Stained Glass Stars, churn dash, and hexagons.  All but the 16-patches.

2.  Finish the Tshirt quilt.  Yes.

3.  UFO #8, a baby quilt from a few fat quarters and some supplemental fabric.  Yes.

4.  Finish the dragon quilt, as Q has a birthday in early April.  Alas, no.  It is basted and in a pathetic heap on the floor.  It will be a while before my hand will be strong enough to quilt again.

5.  Sew some clothes with/for the Assistant and my sister.  Half done.  Handed over to my mom.

6.  Mending.  Oh, how I dislike mending, but it’s filling the end of my ironing board!  Done!

In April, I would be thrilled to...
1.  Sew some yellow scraps.  Maybe cut a few.  Baby steps.

2.  Sew my red, white, and blue triangles into block rows.  If I can hold pins by the end of the month, maybe I can have completed blocks!

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Congrats on a great March! Good luck with April goals. Seems like you've picked some reasonable ones.

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