Saturday, April 14, 2018


The sewing scene has changed in these here parts.

I can now hold straight pins between my fingers, even if I can’t yet pick them up.  Over the last two weeks, I’ve managed to finish all the blocks for a UFO!  Fortunately, the triangles were already sewn, trimmed, sewn into sets of 4, and pressed, so don’t let your imagination run away with you.  I’m slowly working on the rows.  Safety pins are an insurmountable hurdle currently, but I’ll check on batting and backing so when I’m strong enough, I’ll get there.

As is par for the course, even my pared down daily activities take longer and wear me down, so there aren’t many long stretches in the sewing room.  I look forward to the day when normal isn’t so complicated, but I’m currently content with progress.  I saw the doctor this week, and it turns out my “optional” surgery wasn’t so optional.  My broken bone had pinched soft tissue between the pieces so it would not have healed without surgery.  I’m so glad I chose surgery now!

My yellow and green 1.5” scraps are keeping me busy.  I can carefully and tediously make small cuts, so I’ve been sub cutting yellow strip sets. Maybe next week I’ll have a few 9-patches to sew!

Thank you for all your encouragement, sympathy, and well wishes.  I am behaving myself and doing my therapy, and I look forward to quilting madly to make up for lost time in a few months.

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

Be sure to check out the glorious yellows this month!


Vicki W said...

That all sounds very encouraging!

Katie said...

It sounds like you're keeping a positive attitude and that's just as important as the physical therapy! I'm so glad to hear you're able to continue sewing, if not full steam ahead, at least enough to keep things moving forward. The red, white and blue quilt is great!

Ivani said...

Soon all of this will be past and you will be back to normal sewing. Take care.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Love that UFO you've been able to work on! Continuing to send good thoughts your way, too!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Progress is good. Caution is better! I'm glad that you have managed some sense of "normal." You'll be back to your regularly scheduled quilting activities... EVENTUALLY! Until then, do what you can and try not to stress the rest.

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

It's good to hear that you are doing better. Slow going is still GOING, right? - ;))

Kathy's A Quilter said...

you are coming along Katie, all those little improvements will continue to add up to your complete recovery.

scraphappy said...

Even slow progress helps move projects forward.

Kate said...

Wrist breaks are nasty because of all those small bones, my Dad broke his many years ago and they didn't catch that there was tissue between the bones. He ended up having surgery about 5 years after the break because things didn't heal right. Glad you are finding ways to keep up with a few projects. Hopefully the kiddos want to take care of Mom and are pitching in even more than normal. Or at least on better behavior most days.

cocoya said...

It's good to hear that you are doing better. Slow going is still GOING, right? - ;))
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