Friday, May 18, 2018

Rainbow Scrap Challenge: Improvements and Setback

Improvement/accomplishment #1: I finished 69 more 16-patches this week!
 Then, I got to wean out of my orthotic during the day.

I sewed all the triangle and rectangle pairs for my yellow and green churn dash blocks.  I have three finished and hope to finish the next week.
 I cut all the pieces for my Stained Glass Stars.  They are more tedious to piece, so I may not get to them this month.

I'm now working on four patches for a red and green Christmas quilt.
The biggest improvement this week has to do with safety pins.  I finally was able to pin baste the little red, white, and blue quilt!  I can close the safety pins without any issues, which is fabulous.  I can tell large quilts are going to have to be a multi-stage process, but there's a light at the end of the tunnel.

Ooh, and I'm able to type with all ten fingers.

The setback relates to a bee(?) sting.  Of course, I was stung on my left forearm (you know, the one connected to the hand with three broken bones?).  My mom and I decided the reason I didn't feel the bee sting is that I've already endured so much pain in that arm that a bee sting doesn't even phase me.  How did we decide this?  I'll get to that.  I have swelling from halfway down my forearm to halfway up my upper arm.  The elbow is pretty sore.  I also have some of the smaller symptoms of an anaphylactic reaction, including swelling in my face.  I saw the doctor Friday and got a cortisone shot.  I remember it being pretty painful, so I was surprised that it didn't.  Then it dawned on me that I probably don't currently find plenty of things painful since I deal with my hand now.  It's the little things, right?

I'll be okay, just slowed down even more.  I've been sleeping more, icing regularly, and staying indoors to avoid any more histamine reactions.  Wish me luck, and sewing time!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

P.S.  Be sure to check out the Rainbow Scrap Challenge each weekend.


Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Beautiful blocks! Take care, and I hope you will be better soon

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Oh my goodness, Katie! Just when you were really getting better... sounds like you are managing pretty well, though - and you really got a lot done this week in your sewing!

Cathy said...

After everything you’ve been through, a bee sting is just not fair! But I’m glad that you’re doing so much better. You made some great progress this week with lovely blocks to show for it. Hugs to you for continued healing!

The Joyful Quilter said...

ENOUGH with the medical emergencies, Katie!! Just stay inside and sew!

Katie said...

You're making progress - sewing and therapy-wise. But the bee sting? Sheesh! It sounds like you've got a good, positive attitude about it all, but it is good that you have quilting as an indoor hobby to hide from angry bees and those annoying allergens. The quilting stuff is looking great!

Debra Pugh said...

here is wishing you LOTS of luck in regards to healing and prior to that sting so much accomplishment / wow!

My middle son is deathly allergic to's always a summertime worry for him. I havenhad one since I was a kid...I photograph them up close and personal sometimes but they are too involved in the flowers to mind me

Cathy Tomm said...

Great blocks your got done. Wow then A bee sting, get better soon!

Shelina said...

Your 16 patches look so beautiful all together like that. You've had so many setbacks, but your attitude is superb!

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