Friday, June 15, 2018

Favorite Fabrics

I spent the first five days of the week in Nebraska, enjoying a cabin with some of my siblings and my parents.  We enjoyed lovely views, space, adventures, and companions.

While there, I brought my strip sets to sub cut.  All done!
Today, since unpacking and laundry are finally done, I powered through the churn dash blocks.  Now I only need warm colored churn dash blocks to fill out my design.  We'll see how long those take since I definitely have less warm color scraps.

 Then I spent the evening making a start on my Stained Glass Stars and making more strips sets!
from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

P.S. Check out the link up this weekend!


The Joyful Quilter said...

Productivity AND a vacation?!?! Wow!! Color me impressed.

Ivani said...

It seems it was a great start for this week. Your aqua churn dash blocks looks pretty!!!

Linda said...

Great Churn Dash blocks. I love aqua/turquoise, always been my favourite colour. Glad you enjoyed your holiday and managed to do all that fabric cutting too!

Deb A said...

Sounds like a great time with family and even some fabric petting and prepping time! Pretty churn dashes.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your turquoise churn dashes look wonderful all together, Katie! So glad you had a chance to enjoy your family, too!

Chantal said...

Vacation with family, adventures, companionship ... and sewing? Sounds like the perfect week. Great progress on the Churn Dash. They look so peaceful in aqua/turquoise. ;^)

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Always nice to spend time with family! And if there is still some time for sewing, hum, perfect! Love your Churn, great color combos.

Pamela Arbour said...

I'm loving all the turquoise!

Mari said...

Wow, I just got home and I'm exhausted! Yay for you! And your aquas look great. How is the hand?

Kate said...

Sounds like a nice time with your family. Lots of pretty scraps in those churn dash blocks. Happy stitching this week.

Laura said...

Sounds like a perfect vacation to me! Family, adventure and sewing! Count me in!

Your churn dash blocks are looking good!

Cathy said...

Love those types of family reunions. Love the churn dashes too.

ChezVies said...

those are super cute churn dash!!

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