Friday, August 31, 2018

August Block Count

After a crazy month, it's nice to see progress being made.

Aegean Sea, a new quilt, is made out of a plethora of "units," which I'm going to count as blocks.

82 for Aegean Sea
7 last Stained Glass Star blocks
15 churn dash blocks
for a total of 104 new blocks, which makes 1196 blocks for 2018 so far.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

P.S. If you want to join in the fun of the 350 Block Challenge, more info is over here...

Saturday, August 25, 2018


The first full week of school is over, and we made it!  Poor JoJo contracted a cold from a classmate, finds homework overwhelming, and is dead tired.  He’s doing great, better than I could have hoped, as are the big kids.  So far, homework has been manageable, although I still maintain there’s way too much of it.

On the home front, the quiet days meant chores were knocked out early, what was cleaned stayed clean, PK took fabulously long naps, and we went for a walk almost every day, either at home or at the park.  Miss G will be thrilled with preschool starts since she finds my company boring and only wants to watch videos.

In the sewing room, with a miraculously clean floor since PK and Miss G don’t get into too many things (there’s no one else to distract me), I slogged through the last of my Stained Glass Stars.  If I have my numbers right, this is it.  Next month I’ll start puzzling over layouts.  I think I need to get a 24” ruler for cutting strips; the initial strip cutting really seems to be where I get into the most trouble.

I also started on my Teal Mini Swap.  (No peeks!)

My bonus sewing revolves around the various parts and pieces for Aegean Sea.  I had a serious disappointment Sunday when I discovered/realized I’d cut all my quarter square triangles too large.  They were all trimmed down, and I’m back on track.  It won’t be finished before the end of the month, but I’ll keep at it!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Stash Report Week #34

IN this week: 0 yards
OUT this week: 3 1/2 yards

IN YTD: 101 yards
PUT YTD: 60 1/2 yards
YTD Total: 40 1/2 IN

This week, I wrapped up the great apron drudgery.  I was disappointed in the pattern and, with mine, the fit is atrocious.  I’ll either give it away or save it for the Assistant.  I’m not even sure I can fix the awkwardness of the fit.

In more positive news, I made some bags for the car.  They can hang from the seats, and trash, recycling, and miscellaneous “stuff” can be thrown in them to bring inside.  This way, I won’t scramble to carry it all in my arms or use plastic bags.  Two have elastic to keep the opening smaller and the third bag, smaller, has no elastic.  I’m pretty happy with them for a minimum of planning!

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Clementines and Ocean Spray

This week was a doozy.  Swirl together a sprinkling of scarlet fever (or allergy to medication), a swig of the end of summer craziness, a dollop of the start of school jitters, and a crazy first two days of school, and you have my week in a nutshell.

JoJo started mainstream kindergarten at the same Catholic parish school as his big siblings.  I picked him up at noon the first day with most other parents, and he was angry because he wanted to stay all day.  His teacher reports that he’s doing great.  He’s exhausted, as I expected, but so happy.  Woohoo!

My churn dashes are done in orange.  I need to find my scratchings on how many more warm blocks I need, as I clearly forget every month.

I also made three bags for our van from stash.  I drive a 12-passenger Ford with four rows of seats, so stuff accumulates.  I’m hoping the bags will make it easier for the kids to help carry things in, since I may not venture into the furthest back row for weeks at a time!
It's mostly organized now after the giant closet shuffle.  Now to use it!

Finally, I paced myself on cutting the other elements for Aegean Sea.  After 10 minutes, I would sew or iron or read to the kids.  Everything is now cut and ready to go!

This Saturday, be sure to check out all the orange inspiration!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Stash Report Week #33

IN this week: 0 yards
OUT this week: 2 yards

IN YTD: 101 yards
OUT YTD: 57 yards
YTD Total: 44 yards IN

This week, I finished off the Assistant’s apron.  One more to go!

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Rainbow Scrap Challenge: Citrus

As is the norm for the start of the month, this week involved cutting.  In reality, when paired with weed pulling, I allowed myself too much cutting.  This means ice and K-tape have been put to use again, and I’m hunting for a compression glove for my hand.  My bones don’t like this weather.

I cut my last seven (I think) Stained Glass Stars, a heap of churn dash blocks, and too many nine-patches.  Too many, you might say?  Aye, too many.  I didn’t need as many as I cut from scraps, but I have a plan for them, so I’ve sewed them anyway.  After my sister’s baby is born and has a name, he will need a placemat, and yellows and oranges will be perfect.

One more apron is sewn and the last apron cut means I could tide up another pile on my cutting board.  Next week, I’ll sew up the apron for myself and be done.  Of course, the Assistant is feeling the need to sew too, since school starts Friday.

Then, I took the cutting too far when I began cutting for Aegean Sea.  Initially, I intended to plot the whole quilt in scraps, but I found another idea more appealing.  All the saved scraps were turned into 16-patches over the last two months.  Now I’ve begun cutting yardage, and the miles of 1.5” strips proved to be more than I should have taken.  I so enjoyed cutting for a new quilt (and escape the five cases of strep) that I disregarded all sense, apparently.  Not to worry, Saturday has other things in store so I will behave myself.

Five cases of strep at once proved to be a doozy: two different kinds of antibiotic, four different doses, and five trips to the pharmacy since the doctor’s nurses failed me on sending all the prescriptions to one pharmacy, as well as dosing appropriately.  At least the worst, for most of the kids, was the horrible fever rather than the excruciatingly sore throat.  Unfortunately, Spunky is either allergic to her antibiotic or accidentally stuck her face in some ragweed when she picked flowers on her walk home.  Now her face is swollen and blistering, so her improved health was short lived.  My mom will examine her and tell me if we should head in for a doctor visit or not.  Poor thing.  Fortunately, despite an itchy throat, I’ve so far avoided the scourge.  We’ll see if I survive the next week!

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

P.S. Check out all the other orange lusciousness this weekend.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

August Goals

Life is never calm around these parts, so it’s taken me extra time to squeeze in my monthly goal post!

In July, I wanted to: 
1.  Keep up with the red and maroon scraps: trim, churn dash, Stained Glass Stars, 16-patches.  Nine patches, not 16 patches, but done all the same!

2.  Churn out more aqua/teal/turquoise 16-patches. Yes!  I have enough for an entire quilt now in only teals, so the 16-patch project has grown.

3. Finish the Christmas Quilt.  Aye.

4.  Make a new ironing board cover.  The current one is truly falling apart.  Done.

5.  My daughters have requested a dress and four aprons (one for each girl, and one for their doll).  I'm not such a garment sewer, but I'll try!  Dress and three aprons done.

6.  Progress on another UFO, probably the rainbow log cabin, since I have an intended recipient due in September.  (Not my baby, but a new nephew!). Nearly finished.

In August, I hope to...
1.  Stay current with orange scraps: trim, 9 patches, churn dashes, and Stained Glass Star Blocks.

2.  UFO: Aegean Sea.  No way, no how is this getting done, but I need to plan the fabrics and begin cutting.

3.  Mending.  The stack isn’t bad, but since my sewing space has shrunk, I need to tidy up.

4.  Finish the aprons.

5.  Make some car bags.  The kids tend to lead garbage, recycling, and misc. debris in the van, and I’d like a few bags to help gather it all in easily without having to keep plastic bags on hand.

6.  Finish the Rainbow Baby quilt.  I’ve already posted about it’s finish, so I’m right on track!

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Finished Quilt: Rainbow Baby

Huzzah!  The quilt for my newest nephew (due in September) is finished.

There are a number of "unusual" items of note about this quilt.  Most commonly, I plan the quilts by the time the expectant mom is 20 weeks pregnant.  This time, I had the idea for this quilt in my mind as a totally separate project from a baby quilt, but then I dithered about what to make for my sister.  This quilt was an easy one to cut, and I realized it was perfect for my sister since this baby is a "rainbow baby," (ie, born after a miscarriage or pregnancy loss).  We can remember sweet Emilie at the same time as we celebrate the new baby boy. (Who is still nameless, by the by.  My sister is on the hunt for the perfect name and is apparently coming up short.)

Finding the right fabric was a struggle.  I'm still not in love with the indigo and purple, but I think they work in the end.

 I struggled my way through feathers on this quilt.  Originally, I had the feathers planned for the white and the straight lines for the rainbows, but I realized the small distortions in the logs would make the straight light quilting very obvious and very uneven on the rainbow section.
The quilt finished roughly 52" square, is backed in brown, and bound in a lovely rainbow stripe from the Left-Handed Quilter.  The binding fabric is a bit heavier than normal quilting cotton, but it works perfectly for the quilt, and I took my time sewing it down, so no issues there.

It washed up splendidly.  I did soak it ahead of time, due to the juxtaposition of white to rainbow fabrics, and only experienced a bit of dye release from the brown backing.  I'm thrilled with no bleeding!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Stash Report Week #32

I definitely shopped the Connecting Threads clearance sale, much to the chagrin of my stash report.  It’s a good thing I finished a baby quilt this week, but I need to shop less if I’m going to dig myself out of this hole!

IN this week: 34 yards
OUT this week: 6 yards

IN YTD: 101 yards
OUT YTD: 55 yards
YTD Total: 46 yards IN

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

End of Summer Days

Last night, I struggled to remember why the week was so full of things other than sewing.  This morning, it’s all clear to me.  We had friends visit who also have six kids.  There were lots of dishes, a grocery store run, and tidying up after such a crew.

After they left. I threw myself into completing a quilt for my younger sister’s newest baby, due next month.  This is the longest it’s taken me to get a baby quilt done.  I also did some complicated quilting, as I desperately need practice on feathers, so it took a long time.  Then, I wrestled with the binding.  About that time, PK erupted in fever and a spotty throat, so an urgent care visit and prescription later, I’ve spent a fair share of the last two days and nights cuddling him.

And the tomatoes are coming out my ears (as are the weeds, oy!).

All that to say, I haven’t managed much orange scrappy sewing.  I did take care of my scraps from July.  My new fabric setup is quite nice for this, since the scrap tubs sit under the cutting board.  I have no excuse not to keep them tidy now!

I finally pulled my orange scraps from the 1.5” and 2” bins as well as the stack of hand dyes to cut down last night when PK was briefly happy.  Maybe today, if no one else becomes dramatically ill, I can cut and sew a little today.

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

Thursday, August 2, 2018

August UFO List

1. Pillow
2. Scrappy DWR
3. ABC appliqué
4. 9 patches and stars
5.  Hand pieced hexagons
6. Stained Glass Stars
7. 16 patches
8. Churn dash block
9. Rainbow Log Cabin
10. Aprons
July 1: 9 projects
Started: 3
Finished: 2
July 31: 10 projects

This month, I finished my Christmas Jared Takes a Wife/Blackford Beauty quilt as well as a new ironing board cover.  I started the ironing board, a log cabin baby quilt, and aprons.

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

July Block Count

This month, I sewed like a mad woman, making up for my two months of lost sewing time.  The block count exploded!

16 Rainbow Log Cabin Blocks
3 Stained Glass Stars
12 churn dash blocks
228 aqua 16-patches
for a month total of 259 new blocks and a yearly total of 1092.

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

P.S. I haven’t explained for a while, but this is part of Prairie Moon Quilts 350 Block Challenge!

End of Year…

 It’s been a long few months, and it will be longer before I can return to blogging. To make a long story short, I’m in the middle of a real...