Thursday, August 9, 2018

August Goals

Life is never calm around these parts, so it’s taken me extra time to squeeze in my monthly goal post!

In July, I wanted to: 
1.  Keep up with the red and maroon scraps: trim, churn dash, Stained Glass Stars, 16-patches.  Nine patches, not 16 patches, but done all the same!

2.  Churn out more aqua/teal/turquoise 16-patches. Yes!  I have enough for an entire quilt now in only teals, so the 16-patch project has grown.

3. Finish the Christmas Quilt.  Aye.

4.  Make a new ironing board cover.  The current one is truly falling apart.  Done.

5.  My daughters have requested a dress and four aprons (one for each girl, and one for their doll).  I'm not such a garment sewer, but I'll try!  Dress and three aprons done.

6.  Progress on another UFO, probably the rainbow log cabin, since I have an intended recipient due in September.  (Not my baby, but a new nephew!). Nearly finished.

In August, I hope to...
1.  Stay current with orange scraps: trim, 9 patches, churn dashes, and Stained Glass Star Blocks.

2.  UFO: Aegean Sea.  No way, no how is this getting done, but I need to plan the fabrics and begin cutting.

3.  Mending.  The stack isn’t bad, but since my sewing space has shrunk, I need to tidy up.

4.  Finish the aprons.

5.  Make some car bags.  The kids tend to lead garbage, recycling, and misc. debris in the van, and I’d like a few bags to help gather it all in easily without having to keep plastic bags on hand.

6.  Finish the Rainbow Baby quilt.  I’ve already posted about it’s finish, so I’m right on track!

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

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