Monday, January 28, 2019

Stash Report Week #4

This week, I had two yards of necessary purchases.  My pixelated Thomas quilt, being made with 1.5” squares, eats through fabric and thread like there’s no tomorrow.  Already, 3 spools of thread are gone for the year!  Well, in my planning, I failed to realize I had no solid white.  Fortunately, I found a remnant at Hobby Lobby of a 1 yard cut of white.  Next, I used up every last square inch of solid black, so Saturday found me back at Hobby Lobby for a yard of solid black.  Serious trouble is on the horizon if I run out of any other colors, as many of them are not Kona solids and, in fact, I have no idea where/what some of them are.  It’s a good thing this quilt will use around 17 yards of fabric so that my stash report gets cleaned up!

IN this week: 2 yards
OUT this week: 0 yards

IN YTD: 22 yards
OUT YTD: 9 yards
YTD Total: 13 yards IN

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

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