Sunday, January 13, 2019

Stash Report Weeks 1-2

It’s already been a busy start to the year for stash changes, and of course I failed to post the first week’s stash report.

My birthday is in early January, and this year my husband and younger sister both gave me some beautiful fabric.  I also placed two orders.  One was to Vicki Welsh for hand dyed fabrics for two different quilts; the other was for glow in the dark fabric that I’m using for my butterfly quilt.  I could have waited on the latter fabric, but I needed to order something else from, and it seemed silly to pay for shipping when I would order fabric eventually.

Fortunately, I did finish Miss G’s pink wonder.  Where is the picture?  Um... I finished it, she put it on her bed, and I haven’t made her bed neatly since, so no picture exists.  I’m grateful she accepts it!

Stash goals for the year include using 30 more yards than I purchase, so I need to button up my pocketbook and get to feeling better so I can sew more.  By the end of February, ideally, I’d have used up five more yards than purchased, but I don’t foresee 16 yards of use before then.  Yikes!

IN this week: 20 yards
OUT this week: 9 yards

IN YTD: 20 yards
OUT YTD: 9 yards
YTD Total:  11 yards IN

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

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