Saturday, May 25, 2019


It’s been three years since we’ve had a spring such as this, with apparently endless rain.  Just Friday, we had 2” in less than an hour, so when the girls and I returned home from an errand, I couldn’t drive in our driveway since a log covered it.  Our neighborhood road flooded again, twice yesterday.

Before the downpours and tornado watches, we spent Friday morning outside trimming bushes, tending chickens, and cleaning the barn.  I had to change clothes after, as my clothes were soaked from the bushes and trees shedding rainwater.  The to-do list is slowing getting shorter, even as the weeds in the garden continue to grow taller.

By the time outside duties were done, I was exhausted.  (Did I mention it was also the first day of summer?  I had a few kids with attitude this year, but they’re going to have to get used to chore lists.  We have things to do!) Sewing?  Nope.
The evening brought lost power, tornadoes south of us, water in the basement, and rushing flood waters.  Since we have well water, we scrambled to wash dishes, etc., when the power returned in case it was lost again later.  Finally, near bedtime, I sat down to sew.  I ironed the first corner of my 9s and stars quilt.  I’m quite pleased with the sashing, as the dark green blends nicely.  I did foul up the construction of my setting triangles, which I intended to extend beyond the cornerstones, but it’s all good.  Everything else is ready to sew together this weekend.
My Garden Mosaic blocks are two short from being done for the month.  Somehow, I lost a stack of triangles and didn’t find them again until after I’d put the walking foot on my machine.  I’ll finish them in a few days.
The big work of the evening was to begin quilting my baby quilt.  I still don’t love it for its original intention, but I’m going to finish it for some other baby.  My finished quilt stash is a bit slim at this point!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

P.S. There are orange delights to see this weekend!


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

love that first quilt you show! really neat design. Sounds like you had have enough rain too - flooding starts here in Arkansas this week

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

What a week! I bet you're ready for things to dry out a bit. Your projects all look great! Those orange Mosaic blocks are especially delicious! :)

Pamela Arbour said...

Your blocks are gorgeous. You have a lot going on. Great job!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Sounds like an extremely stressful week. Here's hoping next week is better! "Baby quilt for some other baby???" Are you expecting? Wishing I could recall more about the making of that quilt!

Susie H said...

It has been quite the week of weather in the Midwest, hasn't it? All in all though Id say you got quite a bit accomplished, quilting & non-quilting. Your 9-patches & stars is beautiful!

Kate said...

It has been a week of hazards and extreme wetness. Your 9 patch project is coming along beautifully and I love those bright oranges. Hope you get in some good stitching time this weekend and at least a little break from the rain.

Vicki W said...

Holy cow, what a mess you are dealing with! I'm impressed that you have any time for sewing. I so love the 9's and stars!

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