Saturday, October 19, 2019

A Long Road

I had “scheduled” dark brown triangle sewing for this week, but a number of things, quilty and otherwise, took up my time this week.  We had a partially rained out pumpkin patch trip, some unproductive physical therapy, the daily headache of varying degrees, and a few boxes of onions to dehydrate.

I finished the quilt for my friend.  The quilting is just stitch in the ditch along each row, so it was the work of a few hours.  I soaked the backing twice, and it turned the bathtub a different color each time!  (Thanks again, Vicki, for directions!). It’s washed and dried without incident, so I’ll deliver it this weekend.

I basted my lovely Irish chain and even began the quilting.  If (big, giant IF) I quilt a “chain” square a day, I can have it off the frame in a little over two months.  I still have no idea what I’m putting in the light diamonds, but I’m open to suggestions.  My hand can’t stand quilting for long, even since I broke it, so this is a long term project.  I love it, so it’s all good.  This is taking up space in our living room and my DH has fabulously not said a word.  I was afraid to have it as a temptation in the playroom, and I’m hoping seeing it daily will keep me engaged.

Two more Tiny Tuesday blocks, in yellow and orange, made it to the wall.  I have tentative plans for 2 more, which leaves me looking for ideas for the last three.  We’re almost there!  I have plans for my sashing, but only time will tell if I have the right fabrics.  I need time to spread out my collection of gradients to see.

I finished 64 Garden Mosaic blocks, in brown, but never turned on the iron.  This coming week, the iron will be required before I can make any more progress.  Maybe today, Saturday, I’ll get to it!

In the prolonged saga of health news, I’m at a standstill.  It looks like a daily headache is in the cards for me for the foreseeable future, as it’s probably due to postpartum hormone drops (in addition to lack of sleep, allergies, stress...).  Physical therapy has done what it can for my other problems, so I think I have to wait out a recovery period of six months or so before I find a new OBGYN who will take my concerns seriously and not just say “give it time.”  Yes, I’ll give it time, but I also know this is not normal so... there you go.  I sew instead of lifting or pulling weeds!

I’m hopefully (after a walk) going to see everyone else’s lovely blocks this weekend as part of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

The quilt for your friend is gorgeous, Katie! Those chains of red plus the red binding are so great with all that turquoise. Wishing you time at your quilting frame each day - enough to relieve stress, but not so much that your fingers hurt!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

daily headaches are not fun - I'm not up to date on what hormone issues you are dealing with after a birth but it doesn't sound normal and don't blame you for wanting to find a new doctor I think I would want to right away.
The quilting looks great and Vicki's method is great isn't it

The Joyful Quilter said...

All good stuff going on in your sewing space, Katie. Love, love, LOVE the quilt you made for your friend!! Here's hoping your hormones sort themselves out soon enough.

Kate said...

The quilty stuff is looking great! Love both quilts, glad you are going to keep the Irish Chain quilt. Sorry about the health not improving. Have you considered seeing your primary care doctor for a second opinion on the headaches and such? That would be better then waiting 6 months for a second opinion from another OBGYN. It's miserable to not feel well and have as much on your plate as you do.

Vicki W said...

Ugh, daily headaches are not good! I do hope you have some relief soon. Thanks for sharing the bleeding quilt link!

Alzbeta Volk said...

I love alllll of the quilts, but the Tiny Tuesday blocks are so darn cute! I'm excited to see how it turns out.

End of Year…

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