Saturday, October 12, 2019

I Might Be a Little Tired...

...but you already knew that.  There are really no new health developments: I still have a low grade headache 90% of the time, I still can’t lift heavy things, and I’m slowly healing.  I’m doing “all the things” I can, so there you go.  A certain two month old has decided to cut two teeth (gulp) and staying up in the night.

It’s a good thing “all the things” includes sitting down to sew instead of doing too much housework.

Oh, the triangles I stitched together this week!  I haven’t pressed any of them, but I have nearly all my grey, black, and brown triangles sewn for Garden Mosaic.  I only have half a stack left!  Anticipation is beginning to run high for the assembly stage.  Will all my scraps work nicely together, or will I find handfuls that don’t go with the rest?

In between other things, I made all the rows for the new quilt and sewed together most of them.  The
recipient told me her favorite color used to be red, but now she’s leaning towards teal, hence the colors I chose.  I considered red fabrics for the back, but instead found a funky purple and red batik.  I think I’ll soak it after I piece it to take care of bleeding issues but still avoid manhandling a heavy wet quilt.

My main mission this week focused on my Lepidoptera blocks.  Of course I cut the first one back to front, putting dark where light should be and vice versa.  It’s still lovely.  The tan one had less variation in shade, making it a tad muddy looking.  I still like it, and it was one of the fastest to sew up as all the colored strips were 1.5”.  This leaves me with two last butterflies to make, a brilliant fuschia and an emerald green.  I fervently hope that, when the time comes to add the various filler bits, my butterflies are all close enough to the correct size that assembly isn’t too complicated.

Are you already dreaming and scheming about next year’s Rainbow Scrap Challenge quilts?  I think I need to use my ombre scraps in something delightful, and I still have too many 2” strips.  Things that make me go, “hmmm...”

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

P.S.  Saturday means time to visit the Rainbow Scrap Challenge beauties!


Julie in GA said...

The butterfly blocks are beautiful! I never know what to make with ombre fabrics, although I have bought plenty of them. You have made wonderful use of yours!

Mari said...

Your butterflies are lovely! If you hadn't said anything, I wouldn't have guessed that the colors were switched. Keep resting! Hope it's getting better, however slowly.

Jo said...

I love those lepidoptera blocks. They look perfect to me!

The Joyful Quilter said...

I absolutely LOVE that new teal and red quilt that you've got in the works!! That idea may have to be used in my own sewing room. Do you have a recipe or are you just winging it?

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I think your plan for the teal quilt with red running through it is brilliant, Katie! Sounds perfect for the recipient. Your butterflies are beautiful, too! You got a lot done this week!

Susie H said...

Love the butterfly blocks and I'm equally in like with the teal & red quilt. I think it's one of the prettiest I've seen in a long time. Great job! Here's hoping the headaches continue to lessen this week.

marebear said...

The butterflies are stunning!

Kate said...

Hopefully this week is was better on both the health front and the teething front. Love the butterfly blocks. That is going to be such a beautiful quilt. Yes, I'm auditing ideas for the 2020 RSC project, even though I didn't get very far on the 2019 one.

End of Year…

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