Saturday, October 21, 2023


 I’m not dead yet.  Last Friday night, once I was in bed, what I thought was a cold turned into a raging fever.  Fun times.

I did finally catch Covid after all this time.  The AC in my classroom has been broken for two weeks, and I suspect the lack of circulating air may have contributed.  Alas.  While I can breathe, etc., the fatigue has continues to be quite awful.

I am slowly working on the binding for my 16 patches in green, yellow, and red.  While it is nothing like my usual color choices, I do like it.
I’ve hardly touched my brown squares for 16 patches and I haven’t pulled any scraps for brown box blocks.
I’m adding corners to half of my thinker star blocks and then sewing them into pairs.
Since I haven’t reported in three weeks, it seems like I’ve done a lot, but most of this was done in the previous two weeks!  I also started a quilt for a friend with cancer.  Because when I don’t know what to do or how to help, I make a quilt.

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Oh crud on getting The Crud! I hope you're getting better each day. Sewing binding is the perfect activity when you don't feel well enough to do much else. Take care!

Deb A said...

Oh no! So sorry to hear you are not feeling well. I hope you have a quick recovery. Your projects are all looking great.

Kate said...

Hopefully you've turned the corner and are starting to feel better. Hopefully you can get back into the stitching stuff today.

Vicki W said...

I hope you are feeling better!

End of Year…

 It’s been a long few months, and it will be longer before I can return to blogging. To make a long story short, I’m in the middle of a real...