Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I persevered and finished my top today. I always like to be done ahead of deadlines, and I made it!

I'm enjoying looking at everyone else's tops. They're so different, just like I suppose all the stashes they came from are different.

Thank you, Judy, for providing directions to a fun change of pace.

And now, back to our regularly scheduled programming...

I finished my first quilty goal for the year! I posted here about my goals for 2009. One was to make a charity quilt. To make this happen in a timely fashion, I've been working on this quilt Sunday afternoon's when the girls are asleep. I figure that if it's God's day, I'll do some work for Him instead of for me.

Since I machine quilted it, I had trouble with the top shifting. I still haven't learned to pin-baste properly, obviously, but I can't change that now! It's going to a friend of my sister who is having a baby (the friend, not the sister) who could use some cheering up.

It was all scraps/stash. I have some extra blocks that didn't quite fit - the colors didn't work. This is not perfect, but I like it. I think it's funny that you see lots of reds, tans, and oranges, but those colors are a tiny fraction of my stash, with much more blue and green instead.
Isn't the backing fun? I bought it at Hancock's several years ago and couldn't bear to cut into it. It worked out really well for this size of quilt - I only had to add a 6" strip to one side, and then it almost made a fun second quilt!

Plugging away on hand quilting and my Japanese blocks. Maybe I'll work on the quilt for my older sister yet, in the hopes that she gets pregnant soon!

Oh, and happy birthday to Screamer!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


Vicki W said...

I lvoe both of your quilts!

Theoketos said...

You really are amazing.

Anonymous said...

Your quilts are very beautiful!

Granny said...

Love your quilts! Thank you for doing the stash project! The blues look great!

Kucki68 said...

Your Stash Project is such a calming lovely quilt!

Vivian said...

Wow Katie between you and Judy, I may never shop for fabric again since you guys show so well how stash can drive our creativity. (but then I DO have to replenish the stash!)

I love the blues you used for Judy's project. My first thought was "Diving In the Deep Blue Sea". How about a water/sea themed fabric/panel for the backing (for a two-for-one reversible). No,wait... maybe something blue and white?

Your charity quilt gives me another scrap quilt potential project. Love the color transitions. Just shows there are a lot of creative quilters out here.

--- Vivian

End of Year…

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