Sunday, March 22, 2009

Stash Report Week #12

OUT this week: 1 1/2 yards (reusable bulk food bags)
OUT YTD: 35 3/4

IN this week 2 1/4 yards
IN YTD: 76 1/4

YTD Total: 40 1/2 yards IN

I was camping most of this week, somewhat like Judy (more later), and stopped at two quilt shops in the area. They were lousy, and had lousy service. Too bad, and I won't go back! I bought fabric because I felt like I inconvenienced the owners by coming in. Oh, well!

I had a great week planting a garden and then camping! I'll have to post pictures later, when I have time, of the wasp infestation we found at our cabin. The only good wasp is a dead wasp. Very dead. Not twitching dead, but DEAD. I hope to go back to the cabin another time, and have a glorious time!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


Brenda said...

Well, they needed a place to winter too!!! lol!! I would not have liked finding those in my cabin either!!! And I agree - dead is the best way, especially in your cabin! There is not room enough for the both of you , so they had to go!!
You could have given to the store owners that you went to... might have gotten some kind of reaction from them!!!
I believe very much in cutomer service, and good customer service is the only kind to give. Why do people not realize that??? they had a chance to have a customer who would come back, and they blew it.... their loss..... enough said.... I hope your cabin is a haven when you get back to it!! Have fun planting!!

Lori in South Dakota said...

Ah, getting away is good! Wasps, I agree with you, I DON'T share living space with them!

End of Year…

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