Saturday, October 15, 2011

UFO #5 Complete!

UFO #5 for me was a bag (okay, multiple bags) of scraps intended someday for a scrappy double wedding ring quilt.  I just kept shoving scraps in, never measuring to see what was the largest size of scrap I needed to keep, and when I went to empty out the scrap drawer, it was bad.  REALLY bad.  As in, I found two gallon-sized bags worth of scraps I had not trimmed down, ranging in size from 1" square to huge pieces for my scrap drawer (I think I decided I didn't want those fabrics in my stash anymore, so they went to the scrap bin.  And reproduced).

I have been trimming a fist-full a day (scientific, eh?), determining that I only needed to keep a 4" x 3" scrap for the quilt, and the rest needed to be trimmed down for the scrap bags.  Now, after 13 days of trimming, I'm only left with this mousy little pile.
I think I have a ways to go.

On the other hand, my scrap bags are plumping up.  I may need to (next year) make an effort to use these.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


Heather said...

Keeping those scraps under control is just a never-ending job, isn't it? I do think they reproduce in there when we're not looking. lol Congrats on getting yours back in order! :o)

Jennifer said...

hey- every little bit that we do counts, right? i have a strip scrap box that is multiplying alarmingly...

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