Sunday, January 18, 2009

Stash Report Week #3 and Goals

Goals last week:
-piece 1 set of charity blocks : DONE 1/11
-sew Star Struck blocks into rows: DONE 1/16

Bonus goals (to be completed if I finished the above goals):
+assemble the Star Struck top: DONE 1/17
+complete 2 aprons: DONE 1/17
+sew a bowtie!!: DONE 1/11

The bowtie and aprons used 3 1/4 yards of fabric, and I bought nothing. I also used/gave away 2 spools of thread, and gave away 2 3/4 yards of fabric. Now to get BiL's quilt loaded on my frame for hand quilting and on to the next projects.

My first roll of batting arrived this week, so I shouldn't need to purchase any for the rest of the year. Now, where do I store it!? (What a blessed problem to have!) Next week, a bolt of ticking for DH's sewing requests should arrive. I guess I'll be deep in the hole then, but it's a need, so I don't feel guilty about buying something I don't need and may never use - because I will use it!

IN this week: 0 yards
IN YTD: 22 3/4 yards

OUT this week: 6 yards
OUT YTD: 7 yards

YTD Total: 15 3/4 yards IN

My goals for next week are:
-sew 1 set of charity blocks
- get BiL's quilt on the frame (this requires rearranging the entire room!)
-quilt some on BiL's quilt

Bonus goals:
+make Younger Sis's body pillow
+quilt a row of BiL's quilt

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

1 comment:

Lori in South Dakota said...

Ticking for DH? Sounds like that goes in HIS stash, not yours!!

The Week in Review

I finished the New York Beauty quilt.  Spunky took it to school for her art teacher, and he already sent home a thank you note, so I know it...