Friday, April 16, 2010

Garden Progress

My tomatoes are trying to outgrow their containers, but with two more weeks until last frost, they are just going to have to wait.

Yesterday, DH planted the newly arrived arctic kiwi and bay leaf plants, as well as a lemon tree that has been on the kitchen counter for a while. The lemon and bay will spend most of their lives inside. There are a few too many turnips coming up (maybe I was too liberal in planting seeds before Q was born?), so I will be able to thin them for turnip greens to have a spinach, dandelion, and turnip salad. Yummy!

Sunflower seeds were planted (not by me) and more barrels of leaves were raked. How is it all the oak trees end up under the roses? Seriously... but again, I wasn't raking. I'm not quite up to that yet. I did transplant some seedlings from the seed starter tray to their own pots. We'll see what survives, as some roots had grown through the holes in the bottom of the tray. Oops. I have a good excuse, though, since it was a baby that slowed me down!

DH also finished unloading a truck load of dirt into the garden bed that originally held 100 saplings. He was a busy man yesterday, God bless him.

Today it's cool and rainy, just right for the seeds we planted yesterday. It's just right for me too, as I don't like the warm weather. It takes me a while to get used to it, and I want to put off the air conditioner until June or July (DH competes with another teacher to see who can wait the longest. Last year we made it to June 6. This year, with a newborn, who knows what will happen!).

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

1 comment:

sewkalico said...

You sound busy, but remember you have the best excuse in the world for taking it easy so use it :-)

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