Monday, May 31, 2010

A Rose is a Rose...

I certainly love this rose bush DH picked out last year. It only produces a few blooms, but they are huge and perfect and... sigh. They are so pretty.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Stash Report Week #22

This week, I worked on the red border for my quilt. I only have the top piece of border left to quilt, then binding, then DONE!

I cut an outfit out for Baby Nuggette.

I sorted the Assistant's scraps in pursuit of a clean house (we found a house that we would like to buy, but that means moving. This summer. Oh, my). I threw about 2 yards worth away.

IN this week: 0 yards
IN YTD: 89 3/4 yards

OUT this week: 2 yards
OUT YTD: 110 3/4 yards

YTD Total: 21 yards OUT

Still moving in the right direction! Check out the other stash reports at Judy's blog.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

It's Raining...

... it's pouring. The old man is snoring. (Okay, he's only 27.) He went to bed and bumped his head and couldn't get up in the morning.

This rain has already dropped the outside temperature 10 degrees. Whew! It was so hot at lunch that I nearly blacked out just picking strawberries. I don't do well in the heat until I get a little more used to it. Now I've drunk several containers of water and rain is cooling off the house. Rain is great!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Stash Report Week #21

Nothing in. Nothing out.

I finished all my mending this week (the pile was taking over my desk!). The red and cream quilt has only the red border left to quilt, so it will be finished in the next week or two.

Check out all the stash reports at Judy's blog.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Garden Progress

The garlic, onions, peas, and lettuce are doing well. The garlic is growing much better than last year, fortunately. The lettuce and spinach are not nearly as productive as last year, but as no one but me seems willing to eat it most of the time, I guess I can't complain. There are only so many salads I can eat.

The turnips have (finally) been thinned. Some are already trying to set seed, although I don't know why. Maybe it's the insane weather - hot, cold, rainy, windy, dry - it's supposed to be 90 today!
The corn, sunflowers, beans, and cucurbits are growing. I finally planted the last beans today.

My tomatoes haven't been killed yet, but the heat today just my cook my goose. The first time my mom planted for me this year, only 6 of the 20 plants we put in survived. Luckily, I grew lots of extras, so I replanted last week. So far, so good.

The horseradish, after 3 years in the ground, is only now beginning to become an invasive weed. Maybe I should dig some of it up and make my own horseradish sauce. Yum, horseradish.

We've picked over 3 pounds of strawberries so far, with plenty more coming. There might even be a handful of blueberries this year.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Mail Goodies

On Thursday, a lovely package appeared in my door while I was out. I thought at first it was a book I ordered, but then I saw the postmark from England and knew it was even better.

Karol-Ann sent me some lovely things. These included a purse for me (you can buy them from her etsy shop), purses for the girls, and a cute blanket for Q. Very fun. Thank you, Karol-Ann! Your fabric will be on its way soon, I hope.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Stash Report Week #20

IN this week: 2 3/4 yards
IN YTD: 89 3/4 yards

OUT this week: 1/2 yard
OUT YTD: 108 3/4

YTD Total: 19 yards OUT

I bought some lovely yellow to make an outfit for my preemie niece, then a piece for the Assistant, and 2 star pieces for me.

My mom will come home from Colorado today, and my older sister will be back from a wedding. My newest niece (not the preemie) made it home last night. I'm ready for less excitement for a few days!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Another Niece!

My SiL went into labor yesterday evening, and by 9:15, Midget II was born (6 lbs 9.6 oz). When she comes home from the hospital, I will hopefully get to give her some kisses. Her mommy was a trooper, and her sister (the original Midget) is still trying to figure out what's going on.

I'm glad there are no more babies expected for a while. The stress and excitement is just too much for everyone. Except... if my older sister gets pregnant, I'm going to throw her a party. Ever since her husband's kidney transplant last year, we keep praying that they will eventually have another baby. God's will be done!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Nuggette's here!

Nuggette was born Sunday, May 9, at 5:47 p.m.(I think). She weighed 4 lbs 2 oz and was 17 3/4 inches. She has blond hair and a temper (shouldn't it be red hair and a temper?). Mommy and baby are doing well, and my sister is my hero!

For the next round of baby insanity, my sister-in-law, whose due date is a week away, has a baby in a breech position, so tomorrow her doctor is going to try to turn the baby. Otherwise, she might need a C-section.

I consider myself blessed to have babies that are late after all this excitement.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Stash Report Week #19

This week, I cut some kiddie prints for a quilt for a friend to make for her new daughter. That was 1 3/4 yards out. I also bought backing and a few more quarter yards, but since they are going straight to her and not my stash (her birthday is tomorrow), I won't be counting them.

I finished the Snail's Trail quilt for 4 1/4 yards out. Alas, no pictures. I finished it just before the crisis began in my family, and nothing normal was done yesterday (like taking pictures!).

Yesterday, my younger sister went into preterm labor (7 weeks early). While they tried to slow her labor at the hospital, she is at this moment almost fully dialated, so baby Nuggette will be born this morning. She will probably weigh in at about 4 pounds. My sister lives 8 hours away by car, or one direct flight, so yesterday morning was spent helping my mom pack and get to the air port, then figuring out how to take care of my dad and brother (who can fend for themselves, but they are men, after all!), how my older sister and I need to be available for my SiL who is actually due to go into labor any day and has a little girl we will be taking care of... it was a long day. LONG. God bless my brave sister as she is so strong about this whole deal!

IN this week: 0 yards
IN YTD: 87 yards

OUT this week: 6 yards
OUT YTD: 108 1/4 yards

YTD Total: 21 1/4 yards OUT

Making slow progress... I did received a lovely large giftcard from my MiL for Mother's Day. I walked out of JoAnn's will a handful of clearance zippers and some "Hello Kitty" things for the Assistant. I'm just waiting for things to go on sale!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Nuggette's early arrival

My dear younger sister is in labor, 7 weeks early. While they are trying to hold her off 48 hours, her baby (nicknamed Nuggette, as she is in Colorado), is going to be tiny! My mom flew out this morning, and will be there when my sister gives birth. Please pray for Nuggette and her mommy and daddy.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Stash Report Week #18

Nothing finished... just puttering as Q begins to be awake more and thus needing to be held. (I'm so blessed to be a full time mom!) I sent a package to England, so that's it for my fabric usage for the week. I should catch up on where I want to be in fabric usage next week, as I hope to finish quilting a baby quilt. We'll see!

IN this week: 0 yards
IN YTD: 87 yards

OUT this week: 1/2 yard
OUT YTD: 102 1/4 yards

YTD Total: 15 1/4 yards

Check out the other stash reports on Judy's blog,

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

End of Year…

 It’s been a long few months, and it will be longer before I can return to blogging. To make a long story short, I’m in the middle of a real...