Monday, May 10, 2010

Nuggette's here!

Nuggette was born Sunday, May 9, at 5:47 p.m.(I think). She weighed 4 lbs 2 oz and was 17 3/4 inches. She has blond hair and a temper (shouldn't it be red hair and a temper?). Mommy and baby are doing well, and my sister is my hero!

For the next round of baby insanity, my sister-in-law, whose due date is a week away, has a baby in a breech position, so tomorrow her doctor is going to try to turn the baby. Otherwise, she might need a C-section.

I consider myself blessed to have babies that are late after all this excitement.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

1 comment:

Alzbeta said...

And...this can even relate to your quilting, because Nugget has the beautiful quilt you made her::
covering up her little home to keep it nice and dark for her. The NICU nurses love it and I love having something from you with her. Also, the pillows I brought to the hospital have the pillowcases you gave Daniel and I for Christmas on them, and they, too, have received compliments. You rock, Katie! Thanks for making the hospital feel a little homier for our little one and us. I love you!

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