Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What does this all mean?

I have the touch for destroying electronics this week...

Yesterday, I thought the space heater was smelling HOT.  You know what I mean, when it smells dangerously, overheated-type hot?  Then I saw the sparks, followed by small flames.  "Oh, my, oh, my," I exclaimed, trying not to attract the attention of Bear Cub Q, who was sitting next to the now-burning space heater.  I unplugged it, and the flames vanished.  Electronic #1 to the dumpster.

The Screamer likes to express her disapproval of DH's absence by peeing on the floor.  So, while doing the laundry that accumulates from such expressions of disapproval, I knocked the old clock radio onto the floor.  It used to sit atop the dryer to be used in inclement weather, but alas, no more.  It no longer picks up 90% of the radio stations, including the country station that covers weather.  Electronic #2 to the trash.

Last night, I slow-cooked a chicken for dinner, then returned the bones to the cooker to make broth.  This morning, after straining the broth, I decided to attempt homemade bone meal by cleaning the bones and drying them in the oven at 300 degrees for 3 hours.  That inspired me to feel housewifely and efficient, so I cut up the last bowl of peppers to dry in the dehydrator (to make chili powder, eventually).  I started the dehydrator, which didn't start, took a peek in the middle, and saw red and smoke.  Dang.  Electronic #3 to the dumpster.

My mom says such things come in threes.  I hope she's right!  If she's wrong, what will become of the sewing machine?  Or the iron?  Or... (I dare not come up with a third.)

On a more positive note, Bear Cub Q is no longer vomiting or having slimy diapers.  It is a good day after all!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

1 comment:

Mary-Kay said...

Lucky you. I mean about the baby's health. Too bad about all those gadgets. You know there is always a reason for these things to happen. Shopping, if that's your thing. New and improved models in the market for you to check out.

August Block Count

 I thought I wrote this, but it seems to be lost somewhere or I never wrote it at all… August was a quiet block month, with only 42 16-patch...