Saturday, December 4, 2010

Stash Report Week #49

My lovely older sister, over Thanksgiving weekend, went to a bed and breakfast with her husband.  While they were out exploring sans-child, she found a quilt shop and bought me a yard of blue-on-white snowflake fabric!  Isn't she sweet?

I finished my socks, but need to wash them before I show a picture (besides, I lost one while I was "cleaning" for a house showing [only two hours after I found out they wanted to come!  Agh!]).

I finished my candle mat, san ferns, as my stem stitch was HORRIBLE.

I have 29 blocks of my "Favorite Things" sewn... only one left!  I have 20- 12" blocks for the Assistant's pink quilt.

I think I need to start my Christmas letter.  My goal is always to get it out by the Epiphany (my birthday!).

We visited the land.  I found a potato.

"Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat.  Please to put a penny in an old man's hat."

IN this week: 1 yard
IN YTD: 153 3/4 yards

OUT this week: 1/4 yard
OUT YTD: 179 yards

YTD Total: 25 1/2 yards OUT!

Check out the other stash reports on Judy's blog.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


Kathie said...

Glad you mentioned that fabric. Saw a pattern I want to make (later this year) so want to pick up some of that snowflake fabric before it is gone from the shops.

Jo said...

I need to work on my Christmas letter too...Each year I try to do a little something different but nothing has come to me yet.

Kate said...

I need to do Christmas cards. I tried a letter one year, but I didn't like how it came out.

Lori said...

where's the candle mat pictures! Cleaning with two hours notice and three small children. UGH You're the better woman!

The Week in Review

I finished the New York Beauty quilt.  Spunky took it to school for her art teacher, and he already sent home a thank you note, so I know it...