Saturday, February 26, 2011

Stash Report Week #9

Numbers remain the same this week.

Two more rows of "Pink Things" are complete (only five measly, yet interminable rows left!).  Two, maybe three, rows is the goal for this week.  I'm going to run out of thread, as there's only a wee bit left.  This is the first time I've used an entire spool handquilting one quilt.

The cassock has sleeves (and cuffs!) (just don't think about the 33 buttonholes.  Hey, I said DON'T think about them.).  I have used one entire spool of black thread and am well into a second.  (3 spools of thread used so far this year.)  I want to finish the lining this week.

I am stalled cutting clothing, as the overall patterns is from Jalie, so it has about 25 size options for each pattern piece.  That means I need to did in the gift box bin and find enough tissue paper to trace out the Assistant's sizes.

Eagerly I look forward to the announcement of Judy's next drawing for color of the month (monochromatic challenge) and UFO of the month.  Check for those on Tuesday, and check today for the other stash reports: Patchwork Times.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


Angie @ CraftedAngles said...

You should do a thread report! I am always running through thread :) On the same note, I am always buying thread too!

Angie -

Jo said...

I am eagerly awaiting the next UFO. I have gone ahead and worked a bit on a couple to get them a little further along.

Kathie said...

Handquilting, wow, I bet that is pretty with the hot pink thread.

Tamera said...

You've been busy!

Kate said...

Can't wait to see your finished quilt with all the pink quilting.

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