Sunday, February 6, 2011

Stash Report Week #6

It's been a long week.

There have been no finishes, but I certainly quilted almost 3 rows on the Assistant's Pink Things quilt.  Usually, I consider a week successful if I finish I row.  Laying on a mattress all week instead of cooking, laundering, and cleaning will do that.

I only turned on my sewing machine once, to finish one short seam.  Sitting up with my foot down is reserved for dinner times, the car, and volunteering all day Saturday (I was CAREFUL!).

Is my foot broken?  Why is there numbness alternated with yucky burning, prickling feelings in the side of my leg?  I will be visiting a new, more competent doctor in the coming weeks to see if I can resolve these unpleasant questions.  I am in significantly less pain than I was this time a week ago.

We had two snow days, so DH got to run the show while I laid on my futon mattress and hand quilted.  And there's not a thing I could do about it.  It's nice to be lazy occasionally when I can't get blamed for it!

Pictures are... too much work.  Maybe for Design Wall Monday.

Check out the stash reports on Judy's blog.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


Kathie said...

Hopefully no break but sometimes tendons etc. take a long time to hear. Good luck.

Penny said...

Oh goodness, you really do need to rest that foot. Sometimes we have to retrench. Don't try to do too much. Take care of you.

Kate said...

Take care. Hope you can find out what the root cause is of all your foot trouble.

Tiffaney said...

Hugs. I hope that they figure out the issue and you get healing really quick. In the mean time enjoy the down time.

sewkalico said...

Sounds horrible, hope it's healable. Enjoy the relaxing, I am sure you need it!

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