Saturday, September 10, 2011

Stash Report Week #37

Nothing in this week.  I was too busy to even dream about shopping (although Spoonflower is calling my name... I'm itching to try my own designs!)

Nothing out this week.  I did quilt 3 placemats, 1 table runner, and am working on my Making Ends Meet scraps, but I think something out-of-the-ordinary was going on every day last week.  Hopefully this week, I will finish the MeM scraps and one more placemat.  Then I can put my regular foot back on my machine and sew on all the bindings.  After that, I should have plenty of fabric out!

I finished a few more hats, including pumpkin hats.  Aren't they cute?

I biked to and from school 6 times (usually, we go twice a day, but now that volunteering has started up, there are at least 14 trips a week.  Yowza!).  The squash beetles destroyed my vines, so I've been pulling those out of the garden.  It's a good thing the pumpkins ripened obscenely early, in July, so the dang beetles couldn't eat them too!

Now to get back to quilting my Scraps to Treasures quilt!  (28 days left... EEK!)

Check out the other stash reports at Judy's place.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


Kathie said...

Love the pumpkin hats, very cute.

Kathy said...

I love the pumpkin hats!!!

Melanie said...

I love, love, love the pumpkin hats! Perfect for fall!

End of Year…

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