Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween Lovelies

Daddy, the cowboy
Mommy, the Queen Mother
the Assistant, Mulan
Screamer, Snow White (according to her)
Off with the tiger's head!
Bear Cub Q, the monk and the tiger (the monk costume didn't last long, but it was a hand-me-down from his beloved only-boy-cousin.  At least we got a few pictures!)

He's even praying!
With his favorite weapon, a garden stake
The kiddos were great!  They walked 2+ miles, said "Trick-or-treat" and "thank you" (usually, anyway), and hauled in well over a gallon of candy.  We've been judiciously eliminating some of that candy, as my kids are prone to cavities (don't ask how I know... it was a LONG summer).

The neighborhood to the south of us (the "nice" neighborhood) swarms with children after dark, so we started out before sunset.  By the time we were headed back home (after stopping at two friends' houses about a mile distant from our house), we had to run down the crazy street (too creepy, but the road is closed to traffic, so at least we wouldn't be stuck behind 100 kids and their parents, all dressed as bloody vampires. YUCK!) to get home.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


Team Thompson said...

Love the pictures! Especially the first one of you and J. You look so happy and I couldn't help but smile!!

Lori in South Dakota said...

I remember those fancy houses! But must have missed the scarey street. The kids are adorable! Halloween looks to be a busy holiday at your house. I never got ONE ToT'er. Now I'm forced to eat 3 bags of candy bars.

End of Year…

 It’s been a long few months, and it will be longer before I can return to blogging. To make a long story short, I’m in the middle of a real...