Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Bear Cub Q...

... needs a break.

We are now at 10 months and counting for dealing with the trauma of lead poisoning (mild, but I think it plays a part in the following...).

He's been sick more than the Assistant and Screamer combined in their ENTIRE lives.  That's almost 9 years, compared to his 19 months.

Tuesday night before Thanksgiving, while we were having a house guest, Q spent a few hours asleep, then the next few crying.  Wednesday morning, I was fairly certain he had an ear infection, and after noticing his ear weeping, guessed we had a ruptured eardrum.  After our wonderful doctor squeezed him in, we were no farther along, as drainage blocked his ear canal.  We just knew it was ruptured.

Today, after a follow-up, I am facing the prospect of surgery.  Now, before you pity me, this is NOTHING compared to what my siblings have dealt with/are dealing with in their lives, so I am counting my blessings.  Still, poor Q... Who wants to have surgery on their ear?  We'll be visiting an ENT next week and know more then.

Is there any wonder I'm sewing less this year than last?

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


Alzbeta said...

Poor Q deserves a little pity. I cringe at the thought of surgery - when they thought Anni might need it, I cried for a long time. Sick babies are so sad (I'm listening to her cough as I type). I love you!

Crafty Maine Mom said...

My daughter who is now 19 had a burst ear drum. We were able to just put cortisporin drops in it and it healed itself. She has a little scar on her drum but no testable hearing loss. She is in college to be a doctor and her ear drum gets looked at alot as an example.

Good Luck!

Crafty Maine Mom said...

Oops I forgot to say she was 3 when it happened :)

End of Year…

 It’s been a long few months, and it will be longer before I can return to blogging. To make a long story short, I’m in the middle of a real...