Sunday, November 20, 2011

Stash Report Week #47

Another craft fair over and done! Only one more to go, and it's online, so I don't have to find a babysitter for my kids or setup a booth!

I finished a project bag for myself and already have it chock full of yarn, hooks, and needles. It will be great for hand piECing projects TOo. Please excuSe The random cAPiTAlizAtION? SomeonE IS HelpiNG me tYpE. 2 1/4 yards OUT.

I also bought 2 yards of fabric, a purchase for the first time since August, and it was a necessary one. I pieced a back in for my Making Ends Meet quit (pattern by Judy Laquidara), and when laying it out against the top, I was still several inches short, and I have used all the fabrics and close matches already. Maybe I could have "made something work" from my stash, but I often compromise on quilts for me and the later reject it. I used some of my hard earned cash from the craft fair to buy, on sale, two yards of a fabric from the top,so this section will make a nice top of the quilt to fold down on the bed.

I am approaching the end of the long side of my border, with only a partial short side left. After crunching the umbers, I won't finish by the end. Of November, but I will definitely finish before Christmas!

I need to hustle to quilt the remaining place mats. My sister is down to embroidering the last two, but I put off quilting in order to prepare for the craft fair as well as to limit the number of projects I worked on at once. It's time to catch up!

Check out the other stash reports at Judy's (patchwork

From the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

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