Saturday, February 16, 2013


... I do believe we have finally passed the worst of our illnesses and injuries this go round (colds, influenza, belly button infection, and newborn ear infection), and may actually be on the upswing!  I actually didn't spike a 102 fever for the first time in days!

... Isn't it funny how, at the early stages of a long-term project, you can think of many ways to change it up, if you ever decided to do it again?  I'm thinking of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge (button down below).  This year, I'm using my scraps, but as this is several years' accumulation, I don't anticipate having many scraps to join in the challenge next year.  I've already come up with a way around this dilemma... Next year, I may pick a piece from my stash in the given color that I have had trouble using, and just use it something!  As the girls are getting older, they are invited to more parties, and doll quilts always make cute gifts.

... The Assistant started her first chapter book today.  Nobody suggested or asked her to do this.  I'm so impressed!  I love to read and have always hoped we would be able to share our love of reading with our kids!

... It's spring.  Seeds have been ordered.  Next to fabric, seed packages are the next best package to arrive on my doorstep.  (Maybe chocolate would rank higher, but I don't get chocolate in the mail!)

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

1 comment:

Kate said...

I can't imagine having all that running around in the family, especially since you have 3 more kiddos than I do. It was bad enough with one. Hope everyone is on the mend and stays that way.

End of Year…

 It’s been a long few months, and it will be longer before I can return to blogging. To make a long story short, I’m in the middle of a real...