Saturday, February 2, 2013

Rainbow Scrap Challenge: Purple Edition

Once Angela changed her background to purple, I pulled out my scrap bags (I store by size, not color), and pulled out my purples.  After looking over what I had at my disposal, I started cutting...

First up, 11 spools for my ongoing spool project, my leaders and enders work.

Next, I cut up my 2" strips for another 36 square block, and discovered I had enough for two... A light and a dark.

Before I could go any farther, I knew I had to tackle the scrap bag.  I have trouble not keeping up with trimming down scraps after cutting for a project, so part of my goal with the RSC was to whittle down the bag a little more each month.  This month, I had a handful of trimmings that were already cut to size and just needed to be sorted.  Those were easily sorted.  Next, I had to pull out the iron and press the randomly sized scraps remaining from garment sewing and strip sets, both of which are so tedious to cut down.  All done!  My bag is empty except for a package of triangles remaining from some challenge quilts on the HGTV board, but I have a future project in mind for them, so they will stay as they are for now.

last odd bit!
ready to put away
I will sew up all the bits I have cut for now, and then I have another doll quilt for another niece whose little sister may arrive any day!  I'm so excited, as Li'l Bit is my goddaughter.  It may not be complete before the baby arrives, but since we will be traveling up for the baptism in March, I have time.

What are you doing with your purple scraps?

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


Ann Marie @ 16 Muddy Feet said...

I have a wall of pink from last month, that I will be working on covering up with purple this month. Glad to see all the scraps being utilized.

Ann Marie @ 16 Muddy Feet said...

I was going to follow your blog, but you do not have the google friend connect on your sidebar to be able to do that :(

scraphappy said...

You are off to a great start for purple. Looks like you have lots of plans for your pretty purple bits of fabric.

Edith said...

Well with all that neatness and organizing looks like you are ready to sew.

Ellen said...

Scrap organization is my downfall but I plan on sorting all of mine this year (and maybe next year as well).

Deb@asimplelifequilts said...

It sounds like you have great purple plans! I love taming scraps and need to get to it one of these days...

make.share.give said...

Nice sorting! Can't wait to see what you make this week.

Sheila said...

I think you have some good scrap organization ideas. I should take a page out of your book.

Cathy Tomm said...

Great to sort the scraps. I find each month it takes a few days to get the colours out and cut to size or sort another bag or bin into the correct colours. Great fun to see how other handle the scraps.

Quilter Kathy said...

Organization is half the quilt made!LOL

Deb A said...

Such a pretty tin of purples to play with!

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