Friday, April 5, 2013

Going Green

I should have taken photos of the cutting frenzy that was my house Monday and Tuesday.  See, life was exciting.

Easter Monday was supposed to be a work day at Yahweh Jireh Acres (our house).  The morning was spent dealing with the IRS.  Long story, their fault, we still have to fix it.  Then, I take a peek at DH's email and see (gasp!) his meeting out of town is Tuesday, not Thursday.  Tuesday, as in, he must leave this afternoon and be gone.

Then, in the midst of crazed plan making, Spunky decided to roll off the couch onto my black sewing/crocheting bag. Onto a pair of razor sharp scissors.  With her foot.  Oh, the blood.   Oh, the stitches.

And then, bye-bye, DH!

And I didn't see him again, other than in passing or in bed, until Friday.


When my husband is gone that much (two nights for the meeting, one night for the college course he teaches, and one night at Purgatory Ranch and obedience class for Hope), I sew rather than keep house to keep my sanity.  Putting four to bed by yourself is exciting.

So, I cut all my green scraps.  All that I have left is 1", 1x1.5", 1.5", and 1.5x2.5" squares/rectangles.  Everything else is taking its turn under the needle.

First up, my 2" 36-patch.  I think it looks lovely with the other colors.  Considering the size of my green mess, I would have expected more of these squares, but the pattern I chose to use up my green scraps calls for 2" green squares.  Since it requires 480, there weren't many to spare.

Here's where I stand with green spools.  I should have 10-odd more before the end of the month.

My scrap bags are noticeably smaller after purging the green.  In fact, I was able to cut two quilts out of my scraps.  I may have to supplement a wee bit from my stash, but since it's getting down to funny bits too, this is progress!

Check out the other green pages HERE!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


Kate said...

What a week! Glad that it wasn't worse for Spunky.

Julierose said...

Lovely blocks and spools--sounds like you were really busy, too!! have a relaxing weekend...Julierose

Sarah said...

Wow what a week! Love your blocks - the green really lifts the other colours doesn't it?

Candace said...

Hope all is well, sounds like quite a week. Your blocks look beautiful.

scraphappy said...

After a week like that, it sounds like you deserve a little quiet time. Glad you found some time for you this week.

Deb A said...

I hear you on the sanity sewing instead of house work. I do that too when it is long day's with kids and no help. Looks like you made lots of progress with green and have some pretty blocks to show for it. Hope the boo boo is healing well. Blood is never a good thing.

Sheila said...

WHAT a week! Love all your green projects. Hope things smooth out this week : )

Deb@asimplelifequilts said...

I thought my week was not so hot, but I was wrong! Hope you get some sew time in... your greens look wonderful mixed in the others.

Edith said...

You made good progress with your greens even with all that was happening. I only got three squares done and I don't have little ones to care for.

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