Saturday, April 4, 2015

UFO Update

Rather than trot out the same long list again, I'll update you on my work...

34 UFOs to start the month
2 UFOs finished... Funeral dresses and customer seat cushions
0 UFOs added...
32 UFOs to end the month

This month, I'll plug away at the Tell it to the Stars quilt, Bits and Bobs, triangles, 16 patches, the Rainbow Star, memorial quilts, and maybe Anni's Carrie Nation.  I hope to finish the Rainbow Carrie Nation quilt and a quilt for my mother in law.  We'll see how the weather changes my plan!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

1 comment:

elle said...

There is a saying- Don't despise small beginnings. great

End of Year…

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