Saturday, May 30, 2015

Stash Report Week #22

I usually don't count fabric on a project out until the binding is complete, but this week, I think I'm going to cheat a bit.  I'm nearly (nearly!) finished stitching down the binding on a weighted blanket, and it will be done today, so it's going on this week's report.  I don't want it to carry over on my June goals, lists, etc., so let's get it out of the way!

IN this week: 0 yards
OUT this week: 2 1/4 yards

IN YTD: 3 3/4 yards
OUT YTD: 71 3/4 yards

YTD Total: 67 1/2 yards OUT!

I've been doing a bit of daydreaming about what I will buy when I finally do place an order.  My current thoughts are to buy a shade pack or find out if Vicki Welsh would sell me some black scraps.  I need a variety of black/dark grey backgrounds for a future appliqué project.  Neutrals/backgrounds, of course.  Maybe I'll branch out to a pale blue or pale pink background fabric.  Also, I found a fabulous glow in the dark fairy frost fabric, not that I need it.

I don't need any fabric right now, and it all fits nicely in its new home of the glass bookcase (I swapped my fabric and yarn homes, and the new system is working well).  I don't need any fabric.  I will not look at sales. So far, I'm not really tempted.  I have plenty of projects to finish with fabric on hand, so I'm aiming for surpassing the six month fast in a few more weeks!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Rainbow Scrap Challenge: Green Grows the Grass (and the weeds...)

We've had rain, and more rain, and more rain.  God willing, this will replenish the aquifer a smidge and I won't have to worry about our well going dry any time soon.

In the meantime, I've not had much time for sewing.  The house is twice as full during the day since everyone is home, and that means lots more work (and entertaining) for me.

I did manage more Bits and Bobs, although I'm not done.  We'll see if I can squeak by with a few more before month's end.
 This summer, the Assistant is working on an Irish chain quilt from my green and brown scraps.  She made good progress this week!  Spunky will have a baby quilt to design and sew with my help, so both girls will be busy.
 I'm also on a mission to complete a weighted blanket for JoJo, who has sensory issues and quite probably autism.  We want this boy to sleep, as he's a much happier tornado after sleep!
We celebrated our 10th anniversary this week.  It's hard to imagine where we were ten years ago.  I'm pretty sure all my stash would have fit in a single small tub, and our life's possessions fit in a Uhaul.  Not today!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Stash Report Week #21

IN this week: 0 yards
OUT this week: 8 1/2 yards

I finished a quilt for my niece this week!

IN YTD: 3 3/4 yards
OUT YTD: 69 yards
YTD Total: 65 1/4 yards OUT

I don't see a finish in the near future, but I do need to make a weighted blanket, so who knows!?

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Rainbow Scrap Challenge: Carrie Nation in Shades

It might look like I missed the boat on green this week, but I am quite sure this should count... the background is a luscious pale green.  I'm plugging away at my Bits and Bobs, but I have a pile of ironing to do before they are picture-worthy.
I worked on this quilt during the yellow month as well, and would have worked on it in a blue month if I hadn't finished it this week!

Part of me had thought I was done with Carrie Nation blocks as this is my third quilt, but seeing this quilt complete makes me waver in my resolution.  I might need a quilt like this, in different colors, for myself.  (This one is for my niece.)

The top is entirely hand dyed fabric from Vicki Welsh.  If you don't own any, please buy some!  I used two half yard shade packs, Indra and Sunset, and 3 1/2 yards of a beautiful pale green (also by Vicki... we had to work out that one, so I don't know what it's a part of).  I had just a smidge left of green, almost none of the yellows (one even ran out, and you can see where I had to substitute a few squares), and enough blue to make a shaded binding.

Now the leftovers are tucked into their scrap boxes, and I have to wash this quilt before my niece arrives this afternoon and needs a place to sleep!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

P.S.  See more and greener projects this Saturday!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Stash Report Week #20

I thought maybe I hadn't finished anything this week, but since my friend finished her quilt top and her grandmother will help her quilt and bind it, I get to count the fabric out!

I also (gasp) WON some more fabric!  How crazy is it that three times this year I've won fabric.  This time was a layer cake.  I've never owned a layer cake before, so I'll have to find something lovely to do with it.  The sale emails are consistently deleted, and I switched my yarn and fabric stashes so I can admire my fabric daily to help with the itch to buy.  I will eventually need black and neutrals, but neither yet, so I should keep myself busy for another month.

IN this week: 1 1/4 yards
OUT this week: 6 1/2 yards

IN YTD: 3 3/4 yards (none purchased!)
OUT YTD: 60 1/2 yards

YTD Total: 56 3/4 yards OUT

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Rainbow Scrap Challenge: Green!

Whew!  I'm grateful for a much better week.  I may have to put a lock on every door in our house (I kid you not), but for the time being, I'm holding my own against the tornado that is JoJo.  He's in a throwing things for fun and in anger stage, but he's much happier than last week.

Is he not the cutest little bug in this picture!
I apologize for the wonky view.  The computer is freezing up on me, so I should load it as is to make sure it stays!

Meanwhile, I've been busy with my 1.5" squares, sewing 20 more blocks for my 16-patch quilt.  I still love these blocks and am looking forward to mashing all the colors together at the end of the year.

My pale green Carrie Nation quilt is a top, sans photo, today.  I'm hoping to baste it and finish it before my niece comes to stay this next weekend!

My friend finished her quilt top, so now she's working on a green quilt.

The garden is keeping us hopping, so off I go to plant grave vines.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

P.S. Be sure to check out the other lovely green projects this weekend.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Stash Report Week #19

I made a backing for a customer quilt from stash as well as a pillow case, so it was a good week!  I'm doing well on my fabric fast, although I will admit this week I thought about shopping.  I dislike clothes shopping, but I could shop for fabric for hours... I didn't.  This is the longest I've ever refrained, and since there are still boxes stuffed with fabric, I can last a while yet!  (I'm realizing the backing situation for the next big quilt may be dicey, but I'll face that when the top is done!)

IN this week: 0 yards
OUT this week: 5 yards

IN YTD: 2 1/2 yards
OUT YTD: 54 yards

YTD Total: 51 1/2 yards OUT

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Slime Green

Ugh.  I am not as kind and patient a person as I like to think.  Let's sum up the last few days: I got the van stuck in the mud, so we missed JoJo's speech therapy.  Insurance won't cover a penny of said therapy, not a single visit (just found out).  JoJo isn't sleeping well, so neither are his parents.  My husband is a much nicer zombie than I am.  For reals, folks.  This isn't out here for sympathy either.  It's life, and sometimes I do less rolling with the punches and more face-planting.  This too shall pass.

I did finish my customer quilt after much internal debate and fretting.  I wish I had an entire bolt of the backing fabric, but I don't even know which Kona color it is!

The Rainbow Star is basted, and I took a few stitches.  I think I'm abandoning my Tell it to the Stars quilt for now, as it's too bulky in the warm weather.  This baby quilt, I can handle.

My triangles are done for another month.  The original background fabric is all gone, so I've added another.  It's all scrappy anyhow, right?  Once I've run out of triangles, I'll make a plan for size and end game.

Oddly enough, I cut out two more scrappy quilts this week.  One, using a charm pack and two solids, will be a baby quilt for Spunky to make this summer.  The other is for my friend who made the Carrie Nation quilt with me.  We're in a little less hurry, so she's going to do all the sewing and I'll be able to give more advice.
I'm adding a green project for the month in my last Carrie Nation quilt since I only have two small projects left for green (Bits and Bobs and 16 patches).  This one is made from Vicki Welsh's fabulous fabrics.  The background is pale green, so it fits, right?  I'm excited to have a top finished soon.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Stash Report Week #18

16 spools used

Wild Horses, a lap quilt, is finished for seven yards out.  Part of me wonders what I could finish in the next week, but I'm afraid I don't have many strong contenders.  I do have a customer quilt to top stage, so if I whipped the quilting and binding out this week, I could finish.  How are your finishes moving along?

IN this week: 0 yards
OUT this week: 7 yards

IN YTD: 2 1/2 yards
OUT YTD: 49 yards
YTD Total: 46 1/2 yards OUT!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Rainbow Scrap Challenge: Green Edition

I sorted my scraps this week and trimmed down my box of errant leftovers.  Now the non-green scraps are all filed away neatly, and the seemingly giant pile of green triangles is lurking on the corner of my sewing table.

My Wild Horses quilt, started because it has purple in it, is done!  I so rarely start and finish a quilt in a month that I was pleasantly surprised this one is already washed and blogged.

This month, I'm trying to keep my goals low key as I have a customer quilt to finish.  I wasn't sure how far along the previous stitcher had gotten on this quilt top, but after two hours of work, the top is done!  If I can manage between speech therapy and end of year craziness, I'll finish this quilt this week, and then my Carrie Nation blocks with a pale green background can be added to my list of green goals!

Usually green is an overflowing color for me, but I'm finding, at least in 1.5", I've really whittled down my scraps.  There are almost no light greens, and only a handful of dark greens left after I cut out my 16-patches.  Let's go sew!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Friday, May 1, 2015

UFO List, April Updates

Number of projects in process, April 1: 32
Number of projects completed: 2
Number of new projects started: 0
Number of projects "trashed": 1
Number of projects in process, May 1: 29

I ditched a "future" project, so the only trashing happened with a line through the entry.  No fabric to handle, no pattern to put away.

I finished my rainbow Carrie Nation quilt and the quilt for my mother-in-law.  The blocks are done for the blue and yellow Carrie Nation quilt, the tops are done for the Rainbow Star and the customer quilt, and two more of the seven projects for my aunt are complete.  We're making progress!

I'm relieved to be under 30 projects and hope to make a further reduction this week by finishing at least one (hopefully two) quilts.  This summer, I have hopes of enlisting the girls to finish a few of my "future" projects while teaching them to sew.  We'll see how it goes!

In process:
1. Tell it to the Stars (quilting started!)
2. Bits and Bobs
3. 16-patches
4. Triangle scraps
5. Donation Rainbow Star
6. Blue and yellow Carrie Nation
7. Aunt Monica projects
8. Scraps to Treasures (NEW)
9. Crazy quilt for customer

Non-Quilt Projects:
1. Placemat
2. Pillows
3. Someday, inherited embroidery
4. Old school uniforms 

1. Glacier fabrics
2. Giant chevron for my mom
3. Sets of coordinated scraps, one set left
4. Hand pieced 5" squares
5. Odd Fellow block
6.  Scrap crystal
7. Hand dyed applique (I thought this was already on the list, but it wasn't!)
8. ABC quilts
9. Scrappy DWR
10. Lime/Aqua/white diamonds
11. Alzbe's Tshirt quilt
12. Tom and Hannah
13. Orphan block quilt
14. Irish chain in green and brown
15. hand pieced hexi
16. Blue, black and brown chevron

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Wild Horses

A finish, a finish!   This beautiful quilt, make from Laurel Birch fabric, was on my UFO list for a few months as I owned the fabric, but was afraid to cut it.  I struggle with large prints as well as coordinating fabric.  It's almost TOO matchy-matchy, but I think the addition of the cream tones it down a bit.

The orange and turquoise prints were also directional, meaning cutting the sashing took more attention than normal.
 Now finished with straight-line quilting and a coordinating purple fabric, I'm pleased it's done.  It finished at 54"x 63" and crinkled up nicely after a wash and dry.
Now to fold it up and tuck it away for a Christmas gift!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

End of Year…

 It’s been a long few months, and it will be longer before I can return to blogging. To make a long story short, I’m in the middle of a real...