Saturday, May 30, 2015

Stash Report Week #22

I usually don't count fabric on a project out until the binding is complete, but this week, I think I'm going to cheat a bit.  I'm nearly (nearly!) finished stitching down the binding on a weighted blanket, and it will be done today, so it's going on this week's report.  I don't want it to carry over on my June goals, lists, etc., so let's get it out of the way!

IN this week: 0 yards
OUT this week: 2 1/4 yards

IN YTD: 3 3/4 yards
OUT YTD: 71 3/4 yards

YTD Total: 67 1/2 yards OUT!

I've been doing a bit of daydreaming about what I will buy when I finally do place an order.  My current thoughts are to buy a shade pack or find out if Vicki Welsh would sell me some black scraps.  I need a variety of black/dark grey backgrounds for a future appliqué project.  Neutrals/backgrounds, of course.  Maybe I'll branch out to a pale blue or pale pink background fabric.  Also, I found a fabulous glow in the dark fairy frost fabric, not that I need it.

I don't need any fabric right now, and it all fits nicely in its new home of the glass bookcase (I swapped my fabric and yarn homes, and the new system is working well).  I don't need any fabric.  I will not look at sales. So far, I'm not really tempted.  I have plenty of projects to finish with fabric on hand, so I'm aiming for surpassing the six month fast in a few more weeks!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

1 comment:

Kate said...

You've done a great job of stash busting. It seems like you are to a place where you can add strategically based on what projects you are looking at starting. That would be a great place to be.

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