Thursday, November 29, 2018


This is a long-delayed review for which I was not compensated in any way (or she would have fired me by now).  I think the broken left hand contributed to my delay, but I also forgot to add it to my "to do" list!

You may not know I'm left-handed.  It's a surprisingly common trait in my family... my maternal grandmother was, my mother (out of three) is, my two sisters and I are, and so far, my three boys are lefties.  Growing up, the girls sat on one side of the table and the boys on the other just to manage elbows when eating!

In most crafts, being a leftie has made learning a challenge.  My first 10+ years of crocheting were a terrible mess of incorrect stitches because the pictures never looked like my work, and I simply didn't understand what I was doing well enough to read the directions correctly.  I finally got that figured out!

When I began quilting, it took me a significant amount of time to twist and turn rulers to be able to cut correctly and accurately.  Again, a certain portion of the trouble was me, but it's always frustrating when a right-handed quilter (or any other crafter) says "just flip it."  Have you ever tried to "just flip it?"  That doesn't work in a number of situations, and rarely having pictures to compare your own actions to proves challenging.

A Left-Handed Quilter has been outspoken about the need for better tools for lefties, so it was with great excitement that I read she created a ruler for cutting half-square and quarter-square triangles that were designed for left-handed use.  I, of course, ordered one early on.  Check it out here.

Did I use it as frequently as you would imagine?  Not at first.  I had wrapped my brain around using the Easy Angle Ruler so I would use whichever one I could find at .he time.  Recently, however, I accidentally destroyed my Easy Angle Ruler, and I am enjoying getting to know my LEFT-EZE Rule better!

Fortunately, any time I am stuck on how to cut without awkwardness, there are tutorials with pictures (in the same direction as my hand!) to which to refer.  I also really like that I don't need two rulers (Easy Angle and the Companion Ruler) to cut different types of triangles.  It's much more convenient to flip the ruler orientation and keep cutting.  Also, it's one less ruler to lose!

So if you are left-handed or have leftie friends, I would love to recommend you check out the LEFT-EZE Rule ruler, and even if you aren't left-handed (shocking!), you might enjoy reading A Left-Handed Quilter's blog on occasion.  It's a hoot!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

1 comment:

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

Oh, Katie - Thank you so much for the wonderful review of my LEFT-EZE™ Rule - you just made my day!! - ;))

August Block Count

 I thought I wrote this, but it seems to be lost somewhere or I never wrote it at all… August was a quiet block month, with only 42 16-patch...