Saturday, November 3, 2018

Rainbow Scrap Challenge: Measured in Inches

How was your sewing week?  With Halloween in the middle, I expect it was out of the ordinary for nearly everyone.

Of my 18 remaining churn dash blocks needed, I made three.  Yup, that's it.
 Instead of finishing those blocks, I finished my red and white bricks into a flimsy, soaked and prepared the backing (yes, it bled profusely), and thought about basting it until I woke up Friday with a sore hand.  I opted for basting next week.

I also soaked my Stained Glass Stars, as I was afraid of the backing on that one too.  It took three bathtubs of water before I was comfortable washing it, but now it's splendid!
The real time-consumer this week was the yards and yards of straight-line quilting on my 16 patch quilt.  I've just begun the binding, hence the "measured in inches."  I'm looking forward to this quilt.  You can see, behind it in the picture, the original 16 patch quilt that lives on my armchair.  Huzzah!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I just love your 16 patch quilt, Katie! I made one in rainbow colors last year, but keeping it all in one color family really appeals to me!

Kathy S. said...

Love the 16-patch quilt. The blues are just gorgeous!

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Your 16 patch quilt is amazing! I love those tiny squares. Enjoy the quilting ;)

Laura said...

Who wouldn't want to snuggle under the 16 patch quilt?!!!!

Julie in GA said...

Your 16-patch quilt is gorgeous! So many beautiful blues!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Oh, Katie! That's a beauty!!

Deb A said...

Love the 16 patch quilt! Smart move on the delay of prepping the quilt with a sore hand. There is always next week.

Sheila said...

It's beautiful! Looks wonderfully cozy.

Kate said...

Sounds like you got a lot of prep work done so you can move more projects ahead. The 16 patch quilt is gorgeous. Hope this week is as good on the stitching front.

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