Friday, February 1, 2019

February Goals

I’m having trouble laying my hands on my January goals, so I will recap here and tell you my plans for February.  I already know they are lofty, particularly as I’m starting off the month with illness (surprise, surprise), but I also know what I can sacrifice if push comes to shove.

In January, I wanted to...
1.  Finish Miss G’s quilt (which is still unphotographed).  This is part of the “12 Things” challenge Judy Laquidara is hosting.  Done.

2.  Make a good start on a pixelated Thomas the Tank Engine quilt for JoJo.  He asked around the time I made Q’s pixelated dragon.  This is even harder, as it’s smaller pieces, but the goal is to finish in February.  Well started; in fact, I have 56 rows sewn with 34 or 35 to go.

3.  As in previous years, keep up with scraps: trim down the scraps produced in the previous month, sew wings on the star pieces for my 9 patches and stars, start Garden Mosaic in red, make some Great Granny Squared blocks, participate in the SoScrappy sampler, and make two Lepidoptera blocks.  All done!

In February, I’d like to...
1.  Finish the Thomas quilt for JoJo.  This will complete my second quilt for “12 Things.”

2.  Given time, I’d like to start my March quilt, which will be out of green and creams.  I have a lovely stripe for either border or backing, and I’m very happy finally to make a St. Patrick’s Day quilt.

3.  Scrappy goals for the month include: trimming the scrap bucket, making Garden Mosaic blocks, 5 or 6 Great Granny squared blocks, SoScrappy sampler blocks, two Lepidoptera blocks, and sew the second side of wings for the 9 patches and stars quilt.

4.  End the month with a net use of 5 yards.  This could be challenging, as I’m in the hole more than I’d like, but the pixelated quilt is devouring fabric and thread at an alarming rate, so its finish will help.

5.  Make two pillow covers for our bed.  We finally have a bed frame again, after several years of our mattress being on the floor.  We have a storage headboard, which means some pillows would be nice for sitting in bed and reading.  Of course they need covers first.  I have the fabric cut but need to take the time to sew the zippers on, etc., etc.

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

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