Saturday, March 23, 2019


Ah, the pollen is a blowin’ and the farmers are a burnin’.  My nose and throat are having a bit of a trial, but they want to be outside with the rest of me, so we work with it.  We’ve been moving chickens, pruning fruit trees, tilling, and trying to weed (but the soil is too damp).

Suddenly, I’ve found the first crocuses and daffodils blooming.  The fruit trees are full of ready to burst buds, and the grass is greening up.  I have heard the roosters make their chuck chuck chuck noise that tells their hens of new treats.  We also haven’t had water freeze at night for two weeks, which is a glorious change from months of hauling water.

It’s also the peculiar time of year where the upstairs almost gets too warm in the afternoon and evening, which means the heat doesn’t run.  The lack of heat then means the basement turns a bit nippy.  I’m so grateful for a cold basement come summer that I won’t complain about the chill now!

On the sewing front, I made good progress this week.
My second Lepidoptera block is finished.  She looks a bit wonky, but I don’t want to trim anything until I have all the blocks done and see what needs doing.
All my chubby pinwheels blocks are finished, and I even have one quarter completely sewn together. I had a foolish hope of assembling the entire flimsy, but I lost a full day of sewing to appointments and such.  It rained last night, so I think I should be able to sew guilt-free this morning.

I made progress on my Garden Mosaic blocks, but as they aren't in pretty pressed block sets yet, just a mass of pieces by my machine, I don't have any pictures.  Next week will be a busy week to see them all completed!
While it looks less and less likely that I will get ALL of my green 16-patches made this month, I will certainly make good progress.  There were a significantly larger pile of green 1.5" strips than I thought when I began.  I finished another collection, the darker teal, this week, and I'm working hard on the lime/light/olive/apple greens now.

Next week, my ambitious plans are to finish my Garden Mosaic blocks, finish my 16-patches, make my Tiny Tuesday blocks, and completely finish my Chuppy Pinwheels blocks into a quilt.  Just writing it out reaffirms the notion that not all of that can happen, but that's okay.  I will definitely charge forward on the pinwheels and the Tiny Tuesday blocks should be pretty easy.  The other two can, fortunately, wait to be leaders and enders next month.

I'll be around later to check out all the green inspiration at the Rainbow Scrap Challenge Headquarters, but for now, I'm going to sew!

 from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


grammajudyb said...

I sympathize with the warm upstairs and nippy basement this time of year. I am glad I have a small space heater for my sewing room. And two years ago we invested in an electric fireplace as much for ambiance as warmth, but we put it to good use for TV watching in the evening in our basement family room.
Your green butterflies are gorgeous! I am looking forward to seeing that quilt all together!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

We have the same thing happen at our house - warm upstairs and cool basement! Fortunately, I get so involved in my sewing projects that I don't notice it after awhile. Your latest butterfly is beautiful! And I love how all the pinwheels are coming together, too.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

love your butterflies - sounds like you need a space heater for your sewing area - I would need to or my hands would be too cold.

Cathy said...

Good luck with your ambitious plans for the coming week! You’ve got so many lovely project going. I, too, use a space heater to warm up my basement studio in the winter and early spring. This year we’re having a new screen door installed on the basement door so I can enjoy the fresh air later in spring and in the fall. In the summer, I’ll be glad for the a/c!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Pollen, maybe. Burn smoke, NO WAY!! I draw the line there (in favor of NOT having an asthma attack.) That GREEN quilt is going to be GORGEOUS!!! Best of luck on your lofty goals for next week. Remember, miracles DO occur! :o))

Scrapatches said...

I love all your projects, but especially your chunky pinwheel quilt. Sew inspiring! No crocus here yet. Spring is just beginning to reach here in my part of New England. Our living area is all one level but my sewing room can be very cool with a draft on my back in the March winds. The rest of the house is comfy, although we set the heat low, so I just put on a sweater or fleece vest to go in my sewing room. I also have taken to wearing those long sleeves with the thumb holes to cover the wrists and back of my hands this winter. I am still wearing them for sewing. This little addition of fabric has been a warm comfort. I wear for warmth, not too look trendy. Thanks for sharing your pretty quilt projects on the RSC ... :-) Pat

Kate said...

It is that time of year unfortunately where as much as our brains want to be outside our sinuses aren't happy with that plan. Love all the projects you've got going, especially those butterflies. Hope you've been able to make good progress on all your stitching plans for this week.

Susie H said...

Your butterflies are very pretty and, as for the rest, you've certainly got a lot of things going on to keep your interest -- including the roosters & hens! I just love sewing the Tiny Tuesday blocks too!

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