Saturday, March 2, 2019

Rainbow Scrap Challenge: In Between Colors

Yellow is done and gone, and while I had pictures, they were, alas, eaten by my computer.  This has been a long-standing issue, with my computer erasing things, but it came to a head this week, resulting in about 8 hours of fiddling and reinstalling things, only to find the Bluetooth capabilities are gone.  At least the picture stealing seems to be fixed.  I already have my yellow sampler blocks tucked away, and they’re a pain to get back out, so we’ll revisit them when I finish March’s!

After that tedious trauma of computer woes, I put myself to work on a green project for St. Patrick’s Day.  I’ve always wanted a special green quilt, so this year I’m making it happen.  Here’s the beginning, despite mismeasuring and mismarking the “bonus triangle” line over 200 times.  Don’t worry... I only miscut a few bonus triangles, and remarked all the rest while waiting for Apple Support.

I checked out our Rainbow Scrap Challenge post for the weekend and discovered it will be a green month.  Excellent!  If there’s time this weekend, I’ll start pulling and cutting for each of my challenge projects.  We have dreadfully cold weather on the docket so it will be a good day tomorrow, after church, to stay inside and get a fire going.

Oh, and Thomas the Tank Engine is all done, washed, and wadded up on a bed.  I love the finished quilt!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


Kathy's A Quilter said...

Could there be anything more aggravating than a computer that eats your pictures!!Best of luck with all that going forward and happy green sewing.

Cathy said...

I’m beginning to have a few isolated problems with my 10-year old iMac, especially since I haven’t been able to upgrade the OS beyond El Capitan. DH says it’s planned obsolescence. But I persist! Anyway, great blocks!! That should make a cute and timely table topper!!

Mari said...

How lucky that it's a green month! Love the start of your project already.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your green pinwheels are so pretty! I love the way you're laying them out. I think green is really my favorite color!

Scrapatches said...

Pretty green WIP. Looking forward to more. Sorry to hear about your computer troubles. I am tech challenged so I world never be able to fix it. I would call my tech crew hubby and he would grumble at my computer awhile and tell me he doesn't know how to fix it and then... voila! ... he would fix it ... like magic. Hope you get your bluetooth capabilities back ... whatever that is ... :) Pat

JanineMarie said...

Well look at you getting a jump on Green! So sorry about the computer issues. So aggravating. I hope you didn’t lose anything permanently.

gayle said...

I hope your computer has learned the error of its photo-eating ways. Now if only it will also quit hiding the bluetooth...
Those pinwheels are such fun!

Kate said...

I hate computer problems, sounds like you've got most of yours fixed, at least for now. I ended up with a new computer after the older computer kept shutting down and taking multiple reboots to get it running again. I was afraid the next time it happened the computer wouldn't come back.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Have fun with those GREEN scraps for your St. Patrick's Day quilt!! Off to take a look at the newly completed Thomas quilt...

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