Monday, April 1, 2019

March Block Count

This month was another productive month, partly because the color of scraps I was trying to use up is one I have in abundance!

My added blocks for the month were...
6 Great Granny Squared
88 Garden Mosaic Blocks
2 Lepidoptera blocks
4 Tiny Tuesday blocks
120 blocks for a St. Patrick’s Quilt
76 16-patches
... for a total of 276 new blocks for March.  Added to my previous total of 223, and I now have 519 blocks for the year!

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

that's a good way to keep track of your quilts!

Kate said...

That's a lot of blocks!

August Block Count

 I thought I wrote this, but it seems to be lost somewhere or I never wrote it at all… August was a quiet block month, with only 42 16-patch...