Saturday, September 14, 2019

Solferino and Magenta

Friday evening, I spent some time googling shades of purple.  This time, the shade “solferino” caught my attention, and I found myself curious as to what color this was.  In my research, I learned it was named after the Battle of Solferino, which occurred in Italy, similar to the color magenta, also named after an Italian battle.  How interesting!

This week, there was not much solferino in my stitching, as I prefer blueish purple to reddish purple.

Happily, I finished and framed my Tiny Tuesday Block.  I love the patterns that use 1”.  They’re so beautiful!

My first Lepidoptera block for the month was a breeze to sew, but there was a hiccup in the cutting.  I accidentally cut the dark where the light should be, and vice verse.  Fortunately, this butterfly looks lovely just the way she is.  (Does anyone else think of butterflies as female?). I am happy to report that when cutting the second block on Friday afternoon, I cut everything correctly.

Finally, last in my report but first in my sewing this week, I wrapped up the five Great Granny Squared blocks.  I am looking forward to finishing these block, as they are not my favorite to assemble.  They are beautiful, and I’m glad I tackled them this year.

I also had a minor panic at realizing I “need” three quilts for teachers at Christmas, and I won’t have three ready. I may make two quilts from the granny blocks, but that’s it.  Then, I took a deep breath and shrugged.  Giving quilts to teachers is a self-imposed obligation, and I have given them in May instead of at Christmas before.  Plus, this may be a good excuse to start another, different quilt... something easy,

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.


Deb A said...

I am always amazed at everything you manage to sew with such a busy household. I think teachers would love an 'end of year' quilt this year ... gives you a few more months with a new little in the house. I too think of butterfly's as female..... although when I see certain ones they remind me of some male figures in my life that have passed. I always smile and remember them when I see those butterfly's.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I prefer blue-purples over red-purples, too, Katie - how is it that I have so many red-purples in my stash then?! Your butterfly is beautiful - you're the only person who will know you have the fabric wrong!

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

Butterflies seem to be female to me, too - and I like every shade of purple. Sometimes those self-imposed obligations get the best of you - when they become a "chore" - it might be time to take the pressure off - and give yourself a break - ;))

Vicki W said...

You have enough obligations and stress without adding self-imposed stresses! Love the purple butterfly.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Lovely PURPLE blocks for the RSC, Katie! Don't worry about those Christmas quilts. The teachers will be happy to get them at the end of the school year!

Kate said...

Love your newest butterfly block. Purple just seems to be a perfect color for a butterfly (having said that, I'm not sure there are any purple ones that exist in the wild). Lots of fun purple blocks. Thankfully we only did teacher quilts for graduation years, it would take me two years to get those all together! To do them every year is pretty extraordinary.

End of Year…

 It’s been a long few months, and it will be longer before I can return to blogging. To make a long story short, I’m in the middle of a real...