Sunday, November 29, 2020

Stash Report Week #48 and 15 Minutes

 Oh, my, my, but the year is suddenly sliding right past me.  Wasn’t it just a few weeks ago that the pandemic began?  Of course not, but as we have settled into a routine, it does feel like time has gone faster.

This week, I finished nothing, so my totals remain the same.  I did use up one more spool of thread, for 20 out for the year.

I worked on my hexagons this week every day, for 319/332 days.  I finished round one and two, and tonight I spent some time basting round three.

We had a full day, with honey extracting after finding a hive died, chick rescuing after our guineas attacked them, and later butchering, sadly, because we don’t keep vicious animals on our farm.  That’s not quite how I intended Sunday to go, but so it is!  Now I’m heading to bed.

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

1 comment:

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

sounds like you had quite a day - the year has flown by - considering how strange and horrible this year has been for so many - but like you I find it has flown by

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