Saturday, May 1, 2021

Rainbow Scrap Challenge, Upended

 Oy.  Despite the second COVID shot this week, I had a good sewing week.

The farm blocks are all done.  I love the tea kettle and am disappointed in the scarecrow.  It had so many pieces, and it turns out the directions had the wrong sizes for cutting, so I had to trim and cut over and over.  The waterwheel block is cute!

I have 30 pineapples done in 30 days.  I’m very pleased with how they’re turning out.

In checking out my red scraps, I’ve discovered I don’t have many for the Modern Vintage blocks.  There may only be one.  That’s okay; it’s my intention to use up most of my 2.5” scraps this year.  I do have enough red to make a large hexagon star (right after I finish this small blue flower that I’ve neglected this week).

I’m a bit out of sorts this morning.  JoJo’s first communion is today, so I whipped out a new mask for him this morning.  DH is just returning from taking the baby to urgent care for a COVID test (negative) as he spiked a fever in the night.  (I haven’t taken him anywhere, but we want to rule it out before heading to church.  I suspect this is another freaky illness that only he will have for the fourth time in a year).  Now I’m trying to pull everything together last minute!

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Glad to hear you are through the second shot, and hope the first communion goes off without a hitch! I love those pineapples - what a fun quilt they will make!

scraphappy said...

Good sewing progress, though it sounds like you have a lot to handle right now. Glad that you are through with the second vaccine. Normal has to be right around the corner.

Kathy S. said...

Hope all settles down with Jojo. Have a beautiful first communion celebration! I LOVE those pineapples--especially in blue!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Sorry to hear that the baby is sick, again, Katie! Here's hoping that JoJo's 1st holy communion goes well, in spite of his little brother running a fever.

Ivani said...

This was a great harvest of blue pineapples!
It is very annoying when the measurements are wrong and we have to recalculate and redo the blocks. Glad to know you are full vaccinated.

Linda said...

The pineapple blocks look great in blue. Sorry to year of your Covid worries. Hope all is well now.

grammajudyb said...

Hope all goes well with the rest of your week! I love those pineapple blocks!

Deb A said...

Never a dull moment! Hope the baby is on the mend and that the first communion went well. Glad you were able to get that second shot in. Your pineapple blocks are gorgeous.

Vicki W said...

I love those pineapple blocks! I hope the communion went well and that you have a great week!

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