Tuesday, February 28, 2023

February Block Count

 I wasn’t sure how the numbers would compare to January, so I was surprised to find my total was 148 new blocks in February, but a total of 285 blocks for the year.

I made 28 16-patches, 34 box blocks, 54 paper pieced “V” blocks, and 32 rows for an optical illusion.

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Stash Report Week #7-8 and 15 Minutes

 Oops on no report last week.

I finished a “bag” to cover a floor chair.  Unfortunately, as my red fabric came in, I also had fabric in.  Additionally, I’ve now emptied five spools for the year.  Hopefully I will finish a few quilts in March and improve my numbers.

IN this week: 2 yards
OUT this week: 1 1/2 yards

IN YTD: 16 1/4 yards
OUT YTD: 7 1/2 yards
YTD Total: 8 3/4 yards IN

I’ve still managed to remember my hand stitching every day for the last two weeks.

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Roller Coaster

 We’ve basked in 60+ F weather and we’ve also shivered in single digit temperatures this week.  Currently, it’s 23 F, a little icy, and overcast.  My head has not been particularly thrilled with the roller coaster.  I’m waiting for the sun to rise before I take care of the chickens.

In the sewing room, I cut the remaining V blocks and have sewn 12 of the 24.  I had briefly hoped to finish all the blocks before month’s end, but I suspect that might be asking too much.  I clearly didn’t think about the future when I anticipated finishing the quilt in February.  It should be an easy March finish, but there’s no way it will be done in the next four days.

All my pink 16 patch blocks are done.  In a surprising end result, I only made two less pinks than last month’s blues!

14 box blocks are finished, with two more waiting next to the machine.  I intended to cut more teal ones, but instead I used my optical illusion rows as my leaders and enders.

My optical illusion is in chunks and should be a flimsy by the end of the weekend.  I still need to cut the last of the strips but that comes after I assemble the rest of it.

It’s the last Saturday for pink.  I am interested to see what the color for March is!

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Busy Hands

We are more than a week out from any stomach bug, so I have great hopes this round is finally over!  Now for an update on the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.

My motivation to sew definitively took me many places this week.  I have a new optical illusion with the leftovers from the first.  So far, I like it.
A suitable red (third try) finally arrived.  I had to soak it for the better part of two days before it quit bleeding.  I’m glad I remembered to soak it before putting it in the quilt!  I have 40 blocks done, 24 to go.
My pink squares are all lovely half blocks at this point, and soon I’ll have finished blocks.  These blocks feel huge to me (2.5” squares so 8” blocks) even though my red blocks use 2.5” strips.  Isn’t it funny?

I also have a pile of fabric cut for cushion covers.  The pile takes up a lot of visual space, so I really need to make progress on it to put all the bits away.  I like my flat surfaces (floor included) clean!

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Stash Report Week #6 and 15 Minutes

 I ordered fabric this week for a particular quilt.  Unfortunately, 6 of the yards (four for a backing) were not the correct shades, so they will enter the stash.  Fortunately, the other 3 yards are exactly what I need.

3 spools have been exhausted so far this year.

IN this week: 9 yards
OUT this week: 0 yards

IN YTD: 14 1/4 yards
OUT YTD: 6 yards
YTD Total: 8 1/4 yards IN

I have managed to stitch every day this year, so 42 of 42 days.  I am excited to finish making the large pieces this year and plan the layout.  Unfortunately, that isn’t particularly portable, so I will need a new hand stitching project when I’m away from home.  I’m considering wool ornaments (I have 16 nieces and nephews, so plenty of available recipients!).

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

Saturday, February 11, 2023

The Chaos that Never Ends

We have had both a stomach bug and a cold of some sort (no Covid to our knowledge) galavanting through the house for a month.  Unfortunately, it quick succession, the two oldest boys, myself, and DH fell victim.  I have no idea where the week went, but I do know I am exhausted.

On the good days, I did turn all my 2.5” pink squares into four patches.  

I also sewed up most of my box blocks.  (Eek!). I’ll have to dive into another color for leaders and enders for the rest of the month.

 I also have some self-designed paper piecing developing, but I’ve had trouble finding more of the correct color of red.  I don’t have any quilt shops nearby, and Hobby Lobby didn’t have what I needed, so I’m at the mercy of ordering.

I link up each Saturday to the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

Saturday, February 4, 2023

Peaches and Cream

 I have plenty to do this weekend, starting with cutting more box blocks.

We also have the piano tuner coming, our propane tank is empty due to a miscommunication, and Spunky has driving lessons.  It’s crazy.  I’m grateful the low was 36 F instead of 12 F, so the wood burning is sufficient to keep us warm for now.

I have all my pink 2.5” squares sewn to white/cream squares.  While there aren’t as many pinks as there were blues, I’m still surprised at how many there are.
I also designed a paper piecing block for myself.  It has no pink, but red, grey, white, and black.  I’ll show them when I have a few more blocks.

I should finish my reading for the day and try to sneak into the sewing room soon.  I hope you have a splendid day!  I have a goal to visit a few blogs through the Rainbow Scrap Challenge today.

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

Friday, February 3, 2023

February Goals

 I’m not sure I ever made a proper January goal post, but here goes a recap.  I wanted to:

1. Sew with scraps: trim, finish one hand pieced star, work on box blocks, and make 16 patches from my blue scraps.  All done.

2. Make a yellow stocking for Sneaky Pete.  Done.

I also finished my last Bojagi panel for Spunky and a variation on an optical illusion quilt.

For February, I have moderate plans.

1.  Sew with scraps, as always: trim, make another hand pieced star, make more box blocks and 16 patches in pink.

2.  Finish or at least make major decisions about my “V” quilt.

3.  If I finish those, I’d like to play with another optical illusion quilt.

In addition to quilt goals this year, I’m also setting some goals for reading, piano practice, and studying Korean.  Those are taking more time, but I enjoy learning, so it’s pleasant time spent.

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

Thursday, February 2, 2023

January UFO Report

 The year started with a short list of UFOs (any unfinished projects in my sewing room).

1. Double wedding ring
2. Pillow
3. ABC appliqué 
4. Hand hexagons
5. Pink hexagons
6. Boxes
7. 16 patch
8. V quilt

I finished two projects, my bojagi panels and an optical illusion, and started three, 16 patches, the aforementioned optical illusion quilt, and my new V quilt.

January 1: 7 projects
Started: 3
Finished: 2
January 31: 8 projects

As long as I keep my numbers under 10 unfinished projects, I’m fine.  Off to sew!

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

January 350 Block count

 The beginning of the year is always a bit chaotic as I organize myself for the coming months.  Even so, there are plenty of blocks from January: 16 bojagi “blocks,” 49 boxes, 30 16-patches, 32 rows of the ombré optical illusion, and 10 blocks for the V quilt.

If my math is correct (and it often isn’t), I made 137 blocks.  I’ll link up to Prairie Moon Quilts for the 350 Blocks report.

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

End of Year…

 It’s been a long few months, and it will be longer before I can return to blogging. To make a long story short, I’m in the middle of a real...