Saturday, February 18, 2023

Busy Hands

We are more than a week out from any stomach bug, so I have great hopes this round is finally over!  Now for an update on the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.

My motivation to sew definitively took me many places this week.  I have a new optical illusion with the leftovers from the first.  So far, I like it.
A suitable red (third try) finally arrived.  I had to soak it for the better part of two days before it quit bleeding.  I’m glad I remembered to soak it before putting it in the quilt!  I have 40 blocks done, 24 to go.
My pink squares are all lovely half blocks at this point, and soon I’ll have finished blocks.  These blocks feel huge to me (2.5” squares so 8” blocks) even though my red blocks use 2.5” strips.  Isn’t it funny?

I also have a pile of fabric cut for cushion covers.  The pile takes up a lot of visual space, so I really need to make progress on it to put all the bits away.  I like my flat surfaces (floor included) clean!

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.


Vicki W said...

Glad you soaked that red!

Sara said...

Glad you're on the mend from that flu. The optical illusion project has my attention. Can't wait to see how it evolves.

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

Thank goodness you are feeling better and soaked the red to remove the excess dye!

The Joyful Quilter said...

So glad to hear that the family is currently well, Katie! I'm even happier to see you working on SEW many quilting projects. Best of luck with making progress toward clean floors, surfaces, and completed projects!

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