Saturday, February 25, 2023

Roller Coaster

 We’ve basked in 60+ F weather and we’ve also shivered in single digit temperatures this week.  Currently, it’s 23 F, a little icy, and overcast.  My head has not been particularly thrilled with the roller coaster.  I’m waiting for the sun to rise before I take care of the chickens.

In the sewing room, I cut the remaining V blocks and have sewn 12 of the 24.  I had briefly hoped to finish all the blocks before month’s end, but I suspect that might be asking too much.  I clearly didn’t think about the future when I anticipated finishing the quilt in February.  It should be an easy March finish, but there’s no way it will be done in the next four days.

All my pink 16 patch blocks are done.  In a surprising end result, I only made two less pinks than last month’s blues!

14 box blocks are finished, with two more waiting next to the machine.  I intended to cut more teal ones, but instead I used my optical illusion rows as my leaders and enders.

My optical illusion is in chunks and should be a flimsy by the end of the weekend.  I still need to cut the last of the strips but that comes after I assemble the rest of it.

It’s the last Saturday for pink.  I am interested to see what the color for March is!

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.


Sara said...

You did a great job representing pink this month. Love those 16-patch blocks especially!

Maggie said...

The weather is all over the place and old man winter is not friendly at the moment. Beautiful blocks and projects.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

You got a lot done this month in spite of the crazy weather swings and sickness in your household! I love those pink and white 16 patches!

grammajudyb said...

Those 16 patches are amazing! The weather has been a factor! Luckily this old lady doesn’t have chickens or cows to tend! Not even a dog that needs to be walked! We just stay indoors and pet the cat!

Deb A said...

Great job working through the pink this month. The weather has been quite insane this year. Wishing you a weekend with little bits of time for yourself.

Susie H said...

Looking good. My head hurts with all the temperature changes too. However I'll be a little sad to see winter go. I don't like the heat & humidity we get here in summer. Those V blocks look interesting. I'll be looking forward to seeing how they finish.

Helenchaffin said...

great job on the blocks,our weather here in Ala is crazy going from freezing frost to hot the next day,there is no putting away cloths for the seasons as they are all year round wardrobes 😄

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