Friday, August 4, 2023

August Goals

 Reading over my July goals, I both repeated myself and feel like I don’t make sense.  Ha!

1. Scraps: trim, finish my teal boxes and make some red ones, finish the rainbow wedding quilt, continue hexagon assembly, and maybe make some teal 16 patches.  I didn’t finish the real 16 patches, but the rest was done.

2. Work on mugs.  Not really.  And why did I repeat this as 4.  My brain was clearly elsewhere.

3.  Somehow I need a flexible goal for my Korean stitching.  There are so many directions this could go - jogakbo, embroidery, pouch-making, bakjwi… I would like to work on something everyday, depending on how the creative urge points me.  I worked on my sea Bojagi each day.

4.  Mugs, if we travel.  ?

In August, there is much to be done…
1. Scraps: trim, finish my teal 16 patches, make more teal box blocks and cut and sew yellow ones, continue hexagon assembly.

2. Finish my sea bojagi and work on my yeouijumunbo.

3. Make an “emergency” quilt.

4.  Make a purple or rainbow quilt (by request).

5.  Plan a quilt for my best friend’s wedding.

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Some weeks I would guess that your ability to think depends on what else is going on and you always have a lot going on. Good luck with your August goals.

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