Saturday, April 6, 2024

Spring Fire

The farmers and ranchers around us are busily burning fields and for whatever reason, this year the smoke is dreadful.  I’ve taken to wearing a mask when I go outdoors as the smoke definitely contributes to my migraines.  Yesterday, that meant I settled into working on my New York Beauty blocks.
 I’m only making one more block, and then I will assemble and quilt.  The sewing of these blocks takes a lot of brain space/capacity, and I need some brain space back.  I am glad I tried them, and sometime, when the demands of life are a little less, I will try again for a bigger quilt.
I sorted all my yellow fabrics and have worked hard on sewing them together.  I feel so behind this week (that has become my refrain, which means I still need to work on balance), but I also rationally know I have time if I just focus.

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.


Kate said...

They burned the fields to the east of us earlier this week and I had a headache all afternoon. I'll be glad when we get past the field burning season. Hopefully you avoided a migraine and got lots of stitching done.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

your NYB is looking so good. What state do you live in that they are burning fields. Here in Arkansas it seems like they are having controlled burns in different sections of forest land - smoke was crazy last week.

Sara said...

I feel for you on the burning situation. I'm thankful the farmers and ranchers in this area do not do spring burns, other than the occasional fence line. I would feel trapped inside for the duration, not with migraines but the allergies would go crazy. Your NYB is looking fabulous but I totally get how it takes up a lot of energy and brain waves to make it. Once you're done it will be so worth the time and effort.

Chantal said...

Sorry for the migraines. I hope the farmers are done with that now.
I love your NYB. I admire those who can sew curves because I'm not good at it. You sure did a great job. Just gorgeous! Have fun with yellow. ;^)

Gwyned Trefethen said...

I understand why you might feel behind, but from my vantage point you look ahead of the game. That first week of a new color always seems to be more about organizing than actual sewing. Look at all the pieces you have seamed together. Very impressive.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Have fun with your YELLOW sewing, Katie, and best of luck stitching that final NYB block!

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